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  • Observatory of the Infinite: Adventures of the Miso Mice

    by Annette Czech Kopp
    The Miso Mice are at it again this time marshalling an interstellar galactic force (including angels!) from the Observatory of the Infinite to save the Zodiac Girls and universally renowned singing group of orange slices The Segments who have been scooped up by Mu Ono Lepton, a black hole negative energy catcher. Will the Miso Mice arrive in time? Enjoy the next fantastical volume in the “Adventures of the Miso Mice” 5-star acclaimed series.
  • The Moon Run

    by Kathleen Contine
    He’s her biggest rival in The Moon Run. And the reason her co-pilot is dead. Now they’re being forced to race together. Finley Clarke swore off racing after a fatal crash cost her first place and her teammate. As she comes around to the idea of entering again, she finds out the only person who is willing to be her new co-pilot is the man named Garis who caused the crash. As Finley and Garis enter The Moon Run, they realize there’s more than just the harsh desert out to get them. The other ... more
  • I, Robot Soldier

    by Joel R. Dennstedt
    A dark, apocalyptic world. One Shot, a lone robot soldier, awakens in the aftermath of a global war. The sole surviving human is one small girl – Amy. One Shot’s prime directive is to protect this human child. Together, they form a uniquely endearing alliance. One Shot mentors Amy, but after several years amidst the demolished city ruins, the slightly older girl wants to see the world. And she’s the boss. One Shot and Amy embark on a solitary journey through a devastated world. Immediately... more
  • Singularity

    by Sherri Moorer
    The year is 2124 and Senara and Killian are newlyweds excited to work toward being the first convergence community to relaunch Artificial Intelligence five years after the Prion Pandemic which almost wiped out humanity across the globe. Achieving ‘singularity’ is the best way to increase their chance of survival and rebuild this strange new world into something better than the one that almost died along with two-thirds of the population. As the survivors gather into convergence communities acros... more
  • Man of Both Worlds

    by Ishtar S.I.N.G.
    Guv was born a as a half-vampire. Traveled all alone most of his life. One day, he meets up with a couple of thieves, Torin and Granger. For the past five years does all kinds of heists with them for fun and entertainment. However, one heist that was planned wound up stumbling into a mess possibly with a price on Guv's head. They travel up north to a small town of Samuel. Many things happen here and they find a secret. Learning the secret brings un untold path to follow. Will this secre... more
  • Waxwing Creek

    by J.J. Walker

    Built on the ruins of a house where a family was found murdered, Waxwing Creek’s legacy began with blood. From that moment, the motel has defined the town of Hunt, haunting owners, guests, and those who call it home.

    With tales about a woman betting on bingo to save her life, a brother looking for justice in Hunt's dark and brutal underbelly, and a man calling on the supernatural to reunite lovers, Waxwing Creek is a collection of interconnected horror stories that uncove... more

  • Prelude

    by Susan L. Alandar
    Shandiin walks the margins of humanity in a world teetering on the edge of ruin. The regime in power points fingers at science and sinners, casting genetically enhanced individuals as "abominations" to be hunted down. Yet amidst the chaos, Shandiin encounters a clandestine network led by a brilliant genetic engineer racing to preserve what remains of humanity. Their plan? To escape to a new world, bringing with them a bloodline of leaders designed to succeed where Earth’s civilizations have fail... more
  • The Dead Children's Playground

    by James Kaine
    A cemetery filled with innocents. A ghostly chill in the air. Will a short walk through the woods awaken a dark power? Kylie Macklin is eager to live a normal life. Freshly moved from Florida to Alabama and finally in remission from cancer, the optimistic nine-year-old is used to dodging her overprotective mom’s warnings. So when a new playmate invites her to hang out, the happy girl thinks nothing of the playground being located in a graveyard for young victims of the Spanish Flu… and a loca... more
  • The Hafling

    by JoAnn Parsley
    The Hafling, half human-half hillcat, is a young slave, beaten, abused, and hated by all. A King's Ranger rescues him, treats him properly, and makes him his apprentice. The student Ranger chooses a name, Harrel, and he learns social skills as he struggles to overcome his anger toward humans. As he passes into adulthood, he is fraught with dangers from, Dwarfs, Barbarians, orges, and worse, Commoner boys. The story tells of his adventures and explans how he overcomes being judged by what he ... more
  • Spirit Quest (Shadow World, Book 1)

    by Tim McRae

    Spirit Quest is set in an alternate universe known as the Shadow World, where magic is real, mythical creatures abound, and many impossible things are possible.

    The heroine of the story is Niri, an ageless sorceress who long ago swore a blood oath to the Wood Sprites, vowing to protect all realms from harm.  

    As the tale begins, the wind carries a warning to Niri - "Beware Grimfield. There, the Mistress Witch gathers her flock." But for wh... more

  • Preferred Reality: Short Stories

    by Alessandra Benini
    8 deliciously spooky short stories.
  • A Future Without: 50 Short Stories of What May Not Be

    by Uri Kartoun
    In 2029, the world as we know it has subtly yet profoundly changed. A Future Without: 50 Short Stories of What May Not Be by Uri Kartoun unveils a series of compelling narratives exploring the ramifications of losing something integral to our lives. This collection of short stories invites readers into a world where the absence of minor or major elements reshapes society in unexpected ways. Imagine a day without the joy of indulging in french fries, the utility of chairs, or even the natural phe... more
  • The Logoharp

    by Arielle Emmett

    Naomi, a female cyborg—half human, half robot—recounts the story of China and America’s intertwining relationship a century from now. The center of power has moved with the setting sun; China, not America, is the dominant power, creating a world where anyone age 50 or above will end life in a state of viral ecstasy, part of a system known as “Harmonious Recycling,” to make room for billions who are young. Naomi, the cyborg, is beyond prescient. She calculates the... more

  • Brief First Encounter

    by Thomas Miezejeski
    A Quantum Leap in Science Fiction A ground breaking exploration of what happens when humanity faces its first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence presented in a manner that challenges conventions and engages readers with its ingenuity. Its departure from convention is a hallmark of the innovation that offers readers a fresh perspective on speculative storytelling. The book is a thought experiment that discusses how humanity might handle contact with extraterrestrial beings and is c... more
  • Future Time Statues

    by Robert F. Morgan
    Time statues from psychologist Robert F. Morgan encompassing key experienced events from the last eight decades followed by speculative experiences on the next decades to come.
  • Orcs in Portland and Other Social Justice Issues

    by Aaron Frale
    Orcs invading Portland, a wolf in the janitor’s closet, black ooze dissolving the gym teacher: a typical day for the students of Beaverton High and their fearless teaching assistant. Petra thought working for her old high school was the worst thing that could happen to her until a magical disease infects her son. Meanwhile the Barbarians Breakfast Club faces creatures invading their high school and murdering their classmates and principal. Okay, so maybe the latter isn’t that bad. The p... more
