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  • The Relics of Illayan

    by Kathryn Knowles

    In the stillness, a power wakes

    Caerlon is a kingdom where the power of Resonance has long been bound to a single bloodline, a single all-powerful ruler. Now, for the first time in centuries, the magic has been divided.

    On the night of the new king’s coronation, something causes his magic to fracture, and Catanya, a young woman living on the outskirts of Caerlon discovers the long-kept secret of her connection to the throne.

    Driven m... more

  • Sam the Chosen

    by Wally Jones
    The attacks changed everything. Life would never be the same. So much carnage, and yet the enemy was never seen. Not even once. The truth is, humanity had no chance. You can’t fight what you can’t see. Sam tries to return to a normal life after the attacks end, but constant reminders and paranoia feed the need for protection at all times. The desire to run, that internal voice triggering the urgency to escape this harsh world, is very real. Now an ill-fated camping trip will show Samantha just... more
  • Ciscoe's Dance

    by Marion Hill
    Ciscoe’s Dance celebrates the symbiotic connection between music and dance. So embedded in the Kammbian culture was this connection that the city of Walter’s Grove sprang up around the people’s love of Guanamamma music and the dances it inspired. However, that connection is about to come to a grinding halt. The husband-and-wife Guanamamma dance team of Ciscoe and Latisha Maldonado have made their living performing the traditional dances in the finest nightclubs in Walter’s Grove for the entir... more
  • Entries

    by P.S. Winn
    Nick Porter is burying his grandfather. Something he wished he didn't have to do. After the funeral, Nick finds he is the sole heir of his grandfather's place. When he goes to the small, one-time farm, he finds an old shed that is hiding some dark secrets connected to Native American folklore.
  • Shadebringer: Book One The Land of Irgendwo

    by Grayson W. Hooper
    In the beginning, there was only Daedrina, and she dwelled in darkness. Clyde Robbins joins the US Army in 1969 to find purpose in life but quickly learns that in war, life is one’s only purpose. But Clyde dies like countless others before him in a rain of fire and lead, and when he thinks it’s all over—and the curtain draws shut on his final act—he awakens in the strange land of Irgendwo. He quickly meets a gruff German Luftwaffe pilot from the Second World War and a pudgy British doughboy f... more
  • Constelis Voss Vol. 1: Colour Theory

    by K. Leigh
    On the dystopian planet-sized ship CONSTELIS VOSS, an android receives a 90s-era personality file. Alex is born as the only android to remember being human. In his quest for understanding exactly who he is, he finds coincidentally familiar friends, a technocratic dictatorship and a mind-bending mystery. Remembering the past means saving the entire human race, but will he succeed without losing himself and his friends? Sometimes it takes a villain to slay villains, after all.
  • The Book of Souls

    by Books Forward Author Publicity
    Jack Kelly remembers everything about his wife and children; the wonderful smell of his wife’s hair, the way she whispers to him at night, his three children running through the house, the sound of their laughter. But that was his life before the accident. His near-death experience left him in the in-between space, somewhere between this world and whatever comes next. When he awakens, he finds that he’s his thirteen-year-old self replacing his brother’s life-altering incident with his o... more
  • Ms

    by L. Darling
    Maunderer, A person born and raised within one of the last natural remnants of earth. The Prosperous, those seemingly blessed to be born within the confines of a city governed by technological greed. The Fruitless, a dying people unlucky to be caught in the middle of it all. Melody Sail, a resident of Mellows Creek moves to the city of Moonstone after the devastating loss of her parents. With the help of her sister, Miranda, and allied friends…… Can they survive what secrets lay inside th... more
  • Carved Genes

    by Kagan Tumer

    Mika has a new, near-indestructible body—a side effect of the Purge virus, but he pushes away everyone, including Amy, the one person who’d been on his side. Thrust into power amid chaos, Amy struggles to rebuild a world ripped apart by the tension between those who carry the Purge and those who don’t. When an opportunistic general exploits that rift to grab power, Amy needs Mika’s help to stop a new outbreak from destroying their fragile society. But can she trust Mik... more

  • Purged Souls

    by Kagan Tumer


    Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award Finalist.

    Lori aims to restore order to a world ravaged by virus and war but her unyielding ways have left her with few allies. Facing a conspiracy that assassinated two heads of state to start a war, she has to disobey direct orders and embrace new allegiances. The problem is, the rage that powers her also distorts her moral compasss—which hasn't been reliable in the best of times.


  • Dragon(e) Baby Gone

    by Robert Gainey
    Diane Morris is an underfunded, overworked Special Agent with the Department of Intangible Assets. She'd like nothing more than to leave the danger and excitement of field work behind and park herself behind a nice, safe desk job. When a pair of dragon eggs are stolen by a troupe of international thieves, Diane has no choice but to thrust herself into the middle of a deadly whirlwind of rogue wizards, fiery elementals, and crazed gunmen.
  • Into Neon: A Cyberpunk Saga

    by Matthew A. Goodwin
    When a corporate lackey has the rug pulled out from under his illusions, will his hidden fire flicker or ignite a rebellion? Orphaned and alone, Moss is happy to have found a place in the world. But his humdrum working routines take a terrifying turn when a mysterious woman breaks into his apartment and hands him a data chip from his dead parents. Suddenly hearing messages revealing his benevolent employer has a far darker side, he braves the dangerous megacity streets in search of the truth.... more
  • The Outside Intervention

    by Andrew Orange

    A Science Fiction Dystopian Novel You Must Read

    Kier, a young out-lord, gets involved in a dangerous political game where ancient and modern secrets are closely intertwined. To save the largest city in the world from destruction, Kier leaves the Northern Heartland in search of a legendary artifact, created by the Founder of the Empire almost a thousand years before. Much more depends on the results of his search than is known to Kier.

  • 979-8527374209

    by Donald Firesmith
    When demonic aliens kill his father and transport 15-year-old Paul Chapman, his sister, and mother to Hell as slaves, he learns just how far he’ll go to survive, get revenge, and regain his freedom. A prequel to the award-winning Hell Holes series of alien invasion novels, Hell Holes 4: A Slave’s Revenge is a story of love, loss, friendship, and survival under the most hellish of conditions.
  • ANX: life of a recog

    by Howard Jones

    In aftermath of The Great Fall, as depicted in O, Wow, the United States become "Untied" and in a riverside remnant of old New Orleans known as Nola, a young tech struggles to unravel how he came to be condemned as a recog to the ANX penal lattice.​

    “Recogs would accommodate whatever was on offer.They picked up trash for the city.They chased tourist tips.They served the wealthy and powerful as personal body servant... more

  • The Dreamer and the Marked

    by Airic Fenn

    In the wake of her Mam’s death, Krystal Monarain has turned to escapism, throwing herself into the fantastic stories she was told as a child and the strange, recurring dreams she has at night. But she never quite believed her Mam’s tales that her birth mother wasn’t human—That is until Draqa, a stranger from one of her dreams, appears in her life and tells her she’s part fae. So she does the unthinkable and risks following him into Arai, the realm where the fae h... more

