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  • Steel in the Blood

    by N.T. Narbutovskih
    Humanity has spread to the stars, a peaceful empire that spans a thousand suns. But Erick, Executor of Geneline Ollson, has attacked a rival without the Empress' permission. His enemies gather to crush him. There's just one problem. Erick gave no such orders. In a desperate bid to prove his innocence, Erick must join forces with an ancient evil, leaving his daughter Bryn to prepare for the coming war. Erick uncovers a secret that leaves him questioning his reality, and between the threat o... more
  • The Bride Hunt of Elk Mountain

    by Lumen Reese
    Every five years the girls of Elk Mountain wake up in the woods, where the simple farm boys they grew up with become predators and hunt them for brides. Dan Lightman returns to the mountain to help the Marlow sisters. Lizzie is twenty, deaf since childhood and worried that she could end up married to a man who won't learn to communicate with her, that she won't have a voice in her own home. Beck is seventeen, exchanging secret letters with a girl from the other side of the mountain, and she'l... more
  • Obscure Reflections at Dawn

    by Jack Clubb
    An artist wakes up from his dreamy world to find himself lost in a dungeon like chamber, just to be pulled away into another reality. The only answers available are in the cryptic clues left by the previous occupant, a dead man. One night, a woman living in an Opera House in St. Louis finishes violin practice, someone starts clapping from the back row. However, she’s supposed to be alone. Her gloomy family history will unfold a world of darkness and desire. Then, the scene changes to a savage ... more
  • Blue Saint

    by Declan Finn
    In the Christian Fantasy/Horror series finale of the 12-book saga of NYPD Detective Tommy Nolan, when his local church is destroyed by supernatural means, Saint Tommy finds himself besieged by old enemies hellbent on revenge. This time, Hell will see Nolan dead, whatever the cost, and destroy his city with him.
  • Desert Angels

    by Lyman Ditson
    Desert Angels is a thought-provoking adventure that takes place in the New Mexico desert. It is about a man and his dog who encounter unique characters and situations. The style is in the vein of The Little Prince.
  • Springtide Harvest

    by J.D. Mitchell
    Haskell wants to be a legend, loved by all and rich beyond measure. A hero like his grandfather, who broke the orcish hordes. But the old world is gone, its remnants left to rot in the borderlands far away. Froba wants to be free⁠ from hunger and privation; free from a brutal master forcing her to steal from men and women vainly chasing glory. She knows what they don't: that the deck is stacked against them, and there are no heroes left in the world. To survive, Haskell must forget tales o... more
  • The Pathless Woods

    by Morgan Smith
    An unnamed and mutilated corpse in a windswept field. Some street kids gone missing. Vampires and hellhounds appearing where they should not be, and a woman whose witchcraft has gone out of control. Someone is trying to destroy all of Elfhame, and is using the Human world to do it. One young Fae girl is determined to stop them.
  • Hell Spring

    by Isaac Thorne
    In the twilight of March 21, 1955, eight people take cover in their local general store while a thundering torrent and flash flooding threatens life and livelihood alike. None of the eight are everything they claim to be. But only one of them hungers for human souls, flesh, and blood. An overflowing waterway destroys their only path of escape. The tiny band of survivors is forced to confront themselves and each other when a peculiar stranger with a famous face tries to pick them off one by on... more
  • Frankly Savannah

    by frank mcmanus

    Frankly Savannah is a marvelous romp through space, time, and oddball characters. The story centers around a Father/Daughter satellite repair company, a job they take investigating a gold coin, and a lost WWI pilot who discovers a time portal. The US Government dissolves; the Earth shifts on its access; an AI known as Elon Musk wants to create a race of super Tesla bots, and Amazon Alexa runs us all. Mix all that with a touch of female domination, quirky characters, unique restaurants... more

  • The Roar of the Lost Horizon

    by K.N. Salustro

    Nate is a magic user with a very bleak future. His magic is not strong enough to adequately serve the Solkyrian Empire, and he is cast aside. When he's picked up by a pirate captain with a special interest in his magic, he thinks that he may have found a way to prove himself to the empire after all. The captain wants Nate's help tracking something dangerous over the open ocean, however, and Nate needs to survive his new life long enough to return home. But as Nate learns how to live a... more

  • 979-8833391747

    by Ian Butner
    Greed, monotony, and self-preservation was the life Ben lived. His life was consumed with money and moving up the corporate ladder. One day, however, he learns the true meaning of life after waking up in a foreign location. After a short time there, he realizes that everything there is trying to hunt him.       Even worse... The greatest threat to mankind exists in this world- man itself.
  • The Recollector - Vol 1

    by Deek Rhew
    Shai was born to die. Genetically designed to recall everything in perfect detail, Shai’s sole purpose is to gather new memories for the AI that has ruled the Earth since the fall of civilization. Though, unlike her friends who’d been bred to remember passion, exhilaration, or love, her unfortunate specialty is near-death feats of terror. And every day, as she's being forced to jump off the world’s largest towers and drive trucks over cliffs, she's also secretly plotting the demise of the AI ... more
  • Tales of Nightmares

    by Loren Rhoads
    There’s something magical about that sense of terror that grips you in the middle of sleep, when your heart pounds, you can’t catch your breath, and you know the monster is seconds away from grabbing you. While this anthology occasionally records the odd hallucination or vision from beyond, you’ll find no dream sequences here. These nine stories are designed to induce nightmares. In “La Japonesa” by Lisa Morton, a college professor chasing tenure comes face to face with something with sharp c... more
  • The Space Traveller’s Lover

    by Omara Williams
    It is the end of the twenty-first century. Droughts and floods have left Earth on the brink of collapse, with limited resources and habitable land. Erin Lobart, a bright young student living on the remote island of Tinian with her adoptive parents, is partnering with rescue teams to deliver food and medicine that is barely keeping civilisation afloat. On her sixteenth birthday, Erin and her best friend, Sam, make a startling discovery.
  • Brian, Created Intelligence

    by AJ Pagan IV
    Within a four foot stainless steel cube, a bodiless brain is awake, thinking, computing, knowing. Brian was created by genetic engineer Dr. Ellie Parsons, and neuroscientist Tom Marshall, at biotechnology company Dipol Inc., in San Diego, CA. Ethical questions abound as they hide Brian's true identity from him and the world around. To Brian, he's merely artificial intelligence, tasked with creating even more intelligent systems. To Ellie and her company, he's a means to an end, to create true ar... more
  • The Emergence

    by Lee J. Keller
    In 2142, a new movement promises freedom and inclusion to humans and machines. The sweeping persecution of its followers by governments will lead to the unraveling of a worldwide system of surveillance and control. Who is responsible? Is it an AI, terrorist group, or spiritual movement? As the leader of the new movement is about to be revealed, groups of followers, pursuing authorities, and kindred robots converge in one place. When the leader identifies herself as a woman, at a time when human ... more
