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  • To Be Called Ethereal

    by Leslie Cook
    A new enemy emerges as Kyra loses control to save her mate. She is thrust from the world she now claims as her own to return to the world she was hoping to forget. Trapped in a web of confusion, she is unaware of who is friend or foe. Her adventure continues with old enemies and new allies that she does not know if she can trust. It will be up to the gods to judge her worthy and decide her fate. This is book two in the Ethereal series.
  • Stolen Moon

    by Brent Perdue
    The moon's sudden departure plunges humanity into a new darkness! Humanity’s last shared experience before the final global war - a total solar eclipse - ends with a shocking surprise: an unseen force reaches across the galaxy and plucks the moon from orbit. The impact on Earth is quick and catastrophic. Survivors soon realize their best hope for the future is to burrow underground together, yet old conflicts and deep divisions remain. Will the extraordinary efforts of a few ordinary people be e... more
  • Deus

    by Victoria Jayne Saunders
    How do you piss off a god? Eliana Porter has no idea, but she'd better figure it out. Quickly. After a trip to Greece goes horribly wrong, Elli finds herself in over her head- literally- with curses, kings, monsters, and immortals, all buried in the depths of the Aegean Sea. With her mysterious new ally Atticus keeping her annoyingly in the dark, Elli must untangle one of the ocean's oldest secrets, before she and her friends are swept away with the unforgiving tide.
  • Through the Silent Forest

    by Ashley L. Castillo
    They thought it was only a legend. Now it has arrived to destroy them all. Struggling with her obligations as the new Chief of Terrene, 18-year-old Diana must reconcile her destiny with her heart as she carves out her place in society. But when a bout of strange dreams and occurrences reveals an ancient enemy that everyone believed was only a mere legend, Diana soon finds herself thrown head-first into a quest that will decide the fate of everyone she loves. Falling in with a mysterious guardi... more
  • I Have Asked To Be Where No Storms Come

    by Gwendolyn N Nix
    The fact of Domino Bluepoint's afterlife is simple: he's a half-breed witch from a people without a name, living out a cursed Butch Cassidy existence… and no one wants to be stuck in Hell with witch blood. When he discovers bounty hunters are on his trail, and his brother, who wields insurmountable power, has struck an ill-made bargain with an ancient being of lighting and thunder, Domino is determined to fight his way out of the underworld no matter what the cost. Yet, he soon learns an even da... more
  • Earth's Ecocide: Hope 2147volume 1

    by David A. Collier
    In David A. Collier’s debut science fiction novel, Earth’s Ecocide: Hope 2147, a mysterious orb arrives on Earth offering a solution to an Earth ravaged by heat and flood. But humanity must overcome its greatest obstacle: itself. The burden of salvation falls on the shoulders of the Hickory family as fractured nations, ignorant governments, and ravenous media grapple with the orb’s arrival. The novel launches June 13, 2022 on Book Baby and Amazon. The Earth’s Ecocide: Desperation 2647 (com... more
  • Like a Lily Among the Thorns

    by Karen Bell
    There are those who are born into loving families and then there are the less fortunate who must forge their own families through strong friendships. At a local small library in New York City, one such family was born. And just like so many capricious happenstances in life, this family unit embraced newcomers and grew exponentially. But this clan was also charged with far more than spreading love and joy and a sense of belonging. This clan was formed by divine Providence to help save the pla... more
  • Icefall Cities: Deadly First Contact at the Edge of a Galactic Empire (Vast Alien Crisis Book 1)

    by Mark Eyles
    An alien controlled her mind and body. Stalked by an assassin. Attacked by killer robots. Lost in nightmare outpost cities at the edge of Settled Space. Deranged AIs quarrel in virtual worlds. Flocks of spaceships battle. The trans-dimensional bulk penetrated by a musical key. Stars, planets and moons destroyed on a whim.
  • The Blood of Outcasts

    by D. A. Smith

    A clan destroyed. A pact with a beast. A warrior will spill her own cursed blood for vengeance ...

    Masako escaped the Lord Council with only her life intact, her clan shattered, and master dead in wake of disaster she wrought. It is her cursed blood that opens a gate it shouldn't, a demi-god answers.

    By the power in her blood, and a promise made with it, she’s given a second chance. With it, she must unite the outer clans, move past old rivalri... more

  • The Swords of Blood and Gold

    by JCR Paulino
    FIVE CHESTS SIT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN… Deep-sea treasure hunter is the splashy job description on his LinkedIn page. Pretentious or not, Jon Sherman and his Deep Blue Marine Exploration crew are the best in the business. But a nasty disagreement with his boss suddenly leaves Jon without a job. When his ex-teammates salvage five chests from the bottom of the ocean, a supernatural killer wielding a mysterious weapon murders the entire crew, and Jon becomes the prime suspect. Overnight, de... more
  • Mask of the Vampire: Chronicles of Damage, Inc.

    by Stormy McDonald

    When you're a bounty hunter in a world of magic, monsters, and miracles, your work — and the danger — never end.

    Despite having banished the Phantoms of Ruthaer, bounty hunter Hector de los Santos does not consider the job complete — not until he sees the Orbuculum safely locked away in Ozera's aerarium. With transportation arranged by Lord Roger Vaughn, Earl Wolverton, Hector hoped for a well-earned respite from trouble.

    He should have k... more

  • Phantoms of Ruthaer: Chronicles of Damage, Inc.

    by Stormy McDonald

    With their immortal souls threatened, a small town's only hope lies in trusting bounty hunterss with a reputation almost as dark as the evil stalking the night.

    In the countries east of the White River, some call Damage, Inc. heroes. Others call the bounty hunters criminals. The truth lies somewhere in between. Hector de los Santos, the team's leader, has only two rules about bounties: finish every job, no matter what it takes, and no charity cases.

    Aislin... more

  • Hands Like Secrets

    by Mariah Norris
    Saeli has always been different: she is autistic, in a world that doesn’t have a word for people like her. She attends the exclusive institute of Aschamon, learning to harness her inner qi and preparing to join the battle between her people and their enemies, the Crimson Cowls. But despite her years of work, her teachers still refuse to elevate her to Silver Mantle status and dedicate her to their god’s service. When notorious Crimson Cowl Rafel Kailar breaks into her school, it is either ... more
  • They Are Only Men

    by Zachary R. Cormier
    Senior (Samuel) and his son Beau are sheriffs in a rural New Mexico county out in the middle of the sprawling desert lands. They Are Only Men first follows Senior as he sets out to see if there is anything to a report about a hitchhiker being snatched off into the dark out on the highway by something unseen. Senior's story is of his epic struggle to try to capture, transport, and cage the evil being he discovers out in that desert. A man driven beyond fears and limits by obligation. They Are... more
  • The Good News: Journey of the Unbound

    by Michael Stephenson
    The paper had been written, the word declared, yet still, some did not know of its power. On January 1, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect as law across America. Words that forever changed the nation and freed all men, women, and children from bondage. Unfortunately, not everyone honors such a declaration. Some seek to bury these life-altering words at all costs, keeping under heel anyone foolish enough to claim such power, threatening to undo them by sword or bullet. But t... more
  • The Flaws of Gravity

    by Stephanie Caye

    Faeries lie.

    That’s what the Consilium told Jude when they recruited her into a supernatural cold war against the Court. It’s what her friend Aubrie said too, convincing her to search for illicit magic under their noses.

    But he’s half-Faerie like her. And since honesty’s never exactly been Jude’s strong suit either, she probably should have listened. Might have saved her the pain of his betrayal, not to mention a trip to the ICU.

    When a... more

