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  • In Dreams, We Fly

    by Juliet Rose
    After the untimely death of her mother to cancer, Sitka thinks when she goes to live with her aunt and cousin in Wilmington, North Carolina from New York, the biggest challenge she'll face will be as the new kid in an unfamiliar area. However, when she witnesses a body being dumped in the woods, Sitka finds herself hiding in an abandoned shack from the perpetrators of the crime. A secret door she finds in the floor of the space takes her beyond her world... fifty years back in time. She finds th... more
  • Carrying the Dead

    by Juliet Rose
    Six months after the sudden loss of an unplanned pregnancy, Hannah Moore is almost ready to think about living again. That is until one fateful day when a reckless, young motorcyclist changes the course of both their lives forever. One terrible, momentary decision ends his life at Hannah's unwitting hands, sending her down a spiral she can't find her way out of. Even a brief stint in the mental hospital does not release Hannah from that which insists on haunting her waking moments, and the night... more
  • The Workaholism Cult: A Tale of Otherworldly Invasion

    by Jou Nathaniel
    This is a workplace horror story. Sam, an employee who loathes his job, makes a chilling discovery within the IT company where he works. Something sinister lurks within, transforming negligent employees into deranged workaholics. Meanwhile, Sam begins to experience supernatural phenomena more frequently, leaving him uncertain about the reality of what he sees. Is it genuine or a manifestation of stress-induced mental disorder? But not for long. What was initially dismissed as a mere hallucina... more
  • Salvation Taverns

    by E.M. Goldsmith
    Nearly half a century after the methodical slaughter of the rookes who wandered the land of Aerda, weaving stories and inspiring the citizens of the growing empire, only one rooke remains. It has long been his duty, a task he traded his name for, to spread the tales that keep the dragons in a peaceful slumber. When the Seven Aspects of the Relic task him with the quest of rekindling the hope and respect that once accompanied the role of a rooke among the people of Alleysiande, he must decide ... more
  • A Sudden Absence

    by Christopher Mari
    Each morning since Lee Carter’s young wife, Frankie Buonasera, died on 9/11, he’s woken up expecting things that aren’t there—and knowing exactly what he lost. Two and a half years since her death, however, his life has moved in a decidedly surreal direction: the appearance of a packet of letters in a safe-deposit box he never knew existed; calendars that have their days listed out of order; traffic lights that are suddenly upside down. And now, buildings and bridges appearing all across New Yor... more
  • Always Carry Your Scythe

    by Pip Paisley
    Trixie D’Vita didn’t scythe. That was Mom’s gig. Then the Angel Investigative Bureau (AIB) turned up at Aunt Harry’s bar. Seemed the hottest afterlife gameshow in the Mystical Realms was misappropriating newly-departed souls. And Death was a person of interest. When the AIB can’t find Death, they come looking for Trixie, Death’s estranged daughter. Soon Trixie's best friend is in dire peril. An AIB trainee is traipsing towards trouble. And Trixie, armed with nothing but a pocket-scythe, is... more
  • The Rabbit Hole

    by Matthew Fries
    An evil ideology is altering the minds and bodies of visitors to Santa’s Kingdom, a Christmas-themed amusement park, and once joyful children are transforming into little monsters. Unaware of the horrors that await them, the park’s newest hire, Jimmy Miles, and his pregnant sister, Bailey, are looking for a fresh start. Upon arrival, the siblings are stunned to find the park overrun. Gingerbread Go-Kart Palace has fallen, the go-karts commandeered, and a convoy of children are demanding freed... more

    by Jeevan Gopalan
    Was this their last goodbye? The Marga’s decision to leave Prithvos (Earth) was difficult. They had been here for thousands of years, spanning thousands of generations. After leaving their home planet Ishkoe, they discovered Prithvos (Earth), a paradise. They had grown accustomed to the good life because many of their generation had spent their lives on Prithvos. Even though they had known from the start that they would have to leave once Homo-Sapiens, the only native Sentient,... more
  • Compass Points: Compass Points #1

    by Jillian Witt
    A magical weapons master just might be the key to saving the continent from a deadly plague; if only she didn’t have to romantically entangle herself with a dangerous fae leader to do it. Rose has kept her head down and life private for the last ten years, making weapons in the remote northern village and staying away from the world of the Compass Points. Running from her past seemed like the easiest way to deal with her pain. When a representative of the Suden Point, the leader of the earth ... more
  • Mannigan: A Speck of Light

    by L. Ross Coulter
    In a post-apocalyptic world engulfed in darkness due to a global catastrophe, the Vitruvian global government constructs ten machines to restore light to new civilizations. Will Manning, a once content resident of Zeno City, wakes from a coma with a terminal diagnosis and a shattered life. Offered a chance for eternal life by the mysterious Legion, led by Dr. Barkoba, he joins their mission to overthrow the oppressive Vitruvians. Alongside his nurse Abby, Will embarks on a journey outside Zeno, ... more
  • The Alexandria Scrolls

    by Lukman Clark
    : In pursuit of the lost scrolls of Hypatia of Alexandria, a naïve scholar ventures on a mind-bending, existential quest. Despite being hounded by dangerous supernatural beings and possibly slipping into a psychotic break, he not only recovers the scrolls but finds himself and true love along the way.
  • Gaventor's Journey: Second in the Land of Paron series

    by L Denton Kennett
    Journey into the enigmatic Land of Paron prequel to Valkomert the White’s Shadow Mountains. When Gaventor was only four years old, he was rescued from a dire situation by Gamliccis, an elven high lord who saw the young boy’s potential. After introducing him to elven magic, he sent the lad to a revered ancient wizard to learn and acquire more knowledge about the mystical realm of power for the good of the people. After centuries of study and hard work honing his innate abilities, Gaventor went... more
  • Valkomert the White of the Shadow Mountains

    by L Denton Kennett
    Unearth the chronicles of Valkomert the White, an ancient dragon's epic quest amidst wars, mysteries, and sorcery in the magical realm of Paron! Dive into the captivating realm of Paron, where legends are born and epic tales unfold. Valkomert the White, a majestic dragon as old as time, has called the enigmatic Shadow Mountains home for millennia. Here, he has witnessed the fury of erupting volcanoes, discovered the mystifying metal of a fallen meteor, and battled the sinister sorcerer Rombithon... more
  • D.O.L: City Lights Part 1

    by Jason Maxwell

    D.O.L City Lights Part 1

    Set in New York City proper during the late 1990s, Lilly Lamberton’s life was flipped upside down at age thirteen. In one year she lost her father, betrayed her best friend, and fell into a crushing depression. Now, at age seventeen, she lives with an abusive stepmother who only agreed to take custody in order to steal Lilly’s inheritance. Lilly has no knowledge of her family history and is completely orphaned. Racked with guilt and desperate to reli... more

  • B08HY6KFQS

    by Todd Hosea
    A mysterious spacecraft has crashed in a remote, mountainous region of North Korea. The ship is now in the hands of a tyrannical dictator who will stop at nothing to unlock its secrets and bring the West to its knees. As tensions rise in the wake of this threat, North Korea’s Supreme Leader is unaware that a small, prototype vessel, known as the Reaper, lays hidden within the wreckage. Its ingenious purpose could either save humanity or lead to its extinction. Meanwhile, Captain Ava Tan is re... more
  • The Epic of One: Act Two

    by Tony Blacksmith
    The second act of The Epic of One begins with a bang, literally, as the Demon King and his allies find themselves under attack by a power they are far ill-equipped to handle. After a mission gone wrong, Ashoka finds himself alone, stranded in unknown and unchartered territory, once again questioning the truths he so confidently put his faith in. Planet Sanguine has been untouched by human hands for millennia, and with The Demon King no longer Earth-bound, his friends and foes will have to strugg... more
