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  • The Price of Rebellion

    by Michael Bland
    It’s 2047. Secrets have been revealed. And Washington wants revenge. Dray Quintero learned an ugly truth: the leaders in D.C. are fake. Using his technology, they’ve stolen the identities of those duly elected to Congress and are determined to stay in power. After revealing the dangers of their government-mandated implants to his fellow citizens, Dray joins the already-underway rebellion. But his joining is as much to free the United States as it is to avenge his daughter’s death. Before he ca... more
  • Celestial Academy: Essence (Afterworld Book 1)

    by Olivia Pharos
    Orphan. Slave. Drug dealer. As a Demon-Owned human, in an Afterworld that has Hell and Heaven on Earth, Wen White is the lowest a being can be. Her life is one of drudgery, degradation—and mortal danger. And that's before she started dealing Angelescence. Unlike anything in existence, it's a drug only she can produce, and everyone would kill, or die for. With decommission and execution closing in, she’s desperate to buy out her and her best friend’s Indentures. But upping her operations on... more
  • Still Hungry

    by Bob Reiss
    A waitress faced with the most terrifying customer she’s ever encountered. A bully who meets the world’s shyest supernatural creature. A biologist summoned to a military base where a strange phenomenon is occurring. A global leader trapped 28,000 feet above earth. Best selling novelist and world class story teller Bob Reiss has been a lifelong fan of the original Twilight Zone TV series. Here he presents his first short story collection; odd tales of eight characters resembling people we’ve a... more
  • The Light Within Darkness

    by David C. Jeffrey
    Year 2218. Commander Aiden Macallan of the Sun Wolf has defeated Cardew’s attempt to annihilate Bound Space, and Elgin Woo has discovered a vast new astrocell of interconnected voidoids, expanding humanity’s prospects exponentially. But Cardew escaped into the new astrocell and claimed it all for his emerging Posthuman empire. Hell-bent on eradicating the human race, he’s secretly cloning an invincible army of bionic psychopaths to do his bidding. The Alliance must stop him before he invades, bu... more
  • Squeal

    by Gitte Tamar
    Forced to move from home to home throughout his childhood, Tom’s fantasy of a family member rescuing him from the foster care system dies after several years pass without as much as a phone call. His life unexpectedly shifts in his early teens when his only remaining blood relatives, his grandparents, suddenly reappear. For the first time in his resentment-filled years of abandonment, Tom experiences a moment of optimism over moving to the family pig farm. Tom’s change in fortune should br... more
  • Unleashed Vol. 2

    by Edward Jefferson

    It is a fact that the choices you make will seal your fate.


    She is the product of man’s own greed. She is the beauty who stalks the night. Her chosen name is Raven, and she is death that walks. She hunts her prey while hiding in plain sight; her alluring beauty shields her from suspicion and conceals her insatiable desire to kill. A primordial fire burns within her that cannot be quenched. No force known to man can stop her, and everyone who crosses her path is a pote... more

  • Kill Your Darlings

    by L.E. Harper
    INCEPTION meets INKHEART in this allegorical epic. A depressed fantasy author writes a dark ending to her story, killing her beloved characters. When she awakes and finds herself magically trapped in their world, she must fight to change the fatal finale. Trading her pen for a sword, she sets out to defeat the insidious villain who feeds on blood and dreams—but if she can’t overcome her inner darkness, she’ll die with her darlings.
  • Dystopomart: Survivorium Maxi Catalog

    by Ryan Patrick
    Be the first in your Habitable Zone to take advantage of the available wonders in the world's first-ever Dystop-o-Mart Survivorium Maxi Catalog! Need weaponized cuisine and fast-acting lava-resistant portable shelter? You bet! Originally an apocatourist destination known for its Fume Flume(TM), Petting Zoo Hospice, and Louseatorium, Dystop-o-Mart also offers the consumer so much more. Why leave your hunger, defense, and home library to fate? The 64-page, all-color catalog includes a wishlist of ... more
  • Manxiety

    by Daemon Manx
    The stories in this book were inspired by real-life events. Some are loose interpretations of my nightmares and experiences, and others are dark memoirs. All were designed to evoke emotion. Longing, fear, remorse, desperation, and of course, anxiety, are a few of the horrors we all face and the ones from which there is often no escape. These stories were written during the most difficult periods in my life. Addiction, incarceration, and depression are the demons of which I speak. Creating this c... more
  • Doubt The Stars Are Fire

    by Daniele Kasper
    After vanishing without a trace for months, Cara is home in New York and feeling more lost than ever. Everyone around her knows that she has changed, but no one knows why. A chance encounter with a fortune-teller at a festival sends Cara on a journey to recover her missing memories and leaves her with even more secrets to hide. She is more determined than ever to find a way to get back to Caine. That is, until a freak accident lands Cara in the arms of a man who may derail all of her plans. M... more
  • Cut Her Out In Little Stars

    by Daniele Kasper
    A woman lost in time. A star system on the brink of war. A man haunted by past sins. Traitors lurk in the shadows while secrets threaten to put everyone's life in danger in the cold depths of space. Can a woman trapped in a strange new future be the one to save them or will be she the spark that ignites the war? After an accident on a New York subway, Cara DeLeon finds herself in the future, but not the one she dreamed of. Fleet Commander Nikolas Caine defends the star system he calls home from ... more
  • Elijah's Awakening

    by J. William Hauck

    An unseen war rages between immortals, called watchers, thousands of years after they were sent to teach and guide early humans. Elijah has served the side of good for millennia while secretly longing to live as a mortal. When his wish is granted through a series of tragic events, Eli meets Michelle, a French nurse with a hidden royal bloodline. Eli must choose between continuing his mission and experiencing love as World War I shakes Europe. But as his dilemma grows, clues to Michelle’... more

  • The Reality Meltdown

    by Dan Cray


    Celebrity product designer Matthew Beren and his enigmatic wife, Sofia, have stumbled upon a stunning secret: millions of unknown, sentient life forms are hiding in plain sight.

    It's a wondrous discovery… or is it? Though unable to speak, the hidden beings appear to have formed close bonds with the oblivious residents of Matt's hometown in subtle, seemingly magical ways that make the garden flowers chime, the politics unite, ... more

  • The Bloodstained Shade

    by Cass Morris
    Latona of the Vitelliae, mage of Spirit and Fire, lies still as death. Her fate rests in the hands of her allies, who must redeem her soul from the churning void where Corinna, leader of a banished Discordian cult, has trapped it. Protected by a cabal of corrupt priests and politicians, Corinna plans her most daring assault yet: a ritual striking at the ancient heart of Aven, with the power to swallow the city in a maw of chaos and strife. Her success would be Aven's doom, and the greatest vi... more

    by D. L. Frazell
    \tEverybody knows what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. But what if something unknown happened? What if something was loosed upon the world that day, starting humanity on its long, slow slide toward upheaval, agony and disaster? That is the theme of my novel, Beast: A Haunted World. It explores the idea that a device can open a portal between the world of the living and that of the dead. This is not a formulaic ghost story. It is a fast-moving, twisty supernatural thriller like no other.
  • Whispers of a Gypsy: A Supernatural Dark Thriller of Suspense and Horror

    by J.T. Patten

    Dark with twists, a uniquely gifted boy falls into a dangerous cat-and-mouse game with the arrival of a monstrous protector...searching for something of the past.

    Neurodivergent, young Dwight Skinner considers his mental challenges to be a superpower, but it's a pure bloodline that will put him in danger. When a tragic event brings a mysterious Romani neighbor, Mr. Mortimer, out of seclusion and into the Skinner family's lives, Dwight and his emotionally overloaded mother f... more

