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  • The Auction

    by Elci North
    In a society where babies have become a source of government income, laws designed to push up the birth rate are enacted that strip women of the most basic of human rights: The right to choose when to have a child, the right to choose who to marry, and the right to raise her biological child. Logical computer programmer Jane overindulges at a graduation party, winds up pregnant, and is forced to marry a near-stranger. Drama queen Angelica bets a gay guy in a bar that he couldn’t “do it wit... more
  • Demons, the Great White North and the Blind Detective

    by Shawn Adair Johnston
    Synopsis: On Canada’s Arctic coast, the lives of local villagers are threatened by an abused Inuit teenager, a rogue A.I., and an ancient demon. An alliance between the oldest and newest forms of evil in our planet’s history could trigger a world war and usher in a permanent dark age. While investigating brutal attacks against Inuit villages, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, assisted by renowned blind detective Peter Straw, discover a far more complex danger. In this futuristic sci fi/fantasy... more
  • Snallygaster

    by Steven Hamling
    Some People Keep Secrets Nina Papez was once a rising star, until her career took a turn for the worse. Now she works as a waitress, trying to make rent. Ashamed of her struggles, Nina has not told anyone about her predicament, especially her family. When her uncle Hecotr calls asking her to help him with his sheep farm, Nina flies out to the Maryland countryside. Some Secrets Kill Something has been living in the woods surrounding the town of Little River. Something that has been kept... more
  • Geniuses® III

    by Neil W. Flanzraich
    The evil Genius Arkady Astrakhan is the Supreme Ruler of Astrakon, a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy. He lives in a palace, has a harem and daily spends hours on his throne in an arena where gladiatorial combats take place. He is a sadist with absolute control over the planet’s population. When Roger Reynolds, the leader of Earth’s Council of Geniuses, and Merlin, the 6th century wizard, destroy Arkady’s twin brother Abaddon, Arkady is compelled to leave Astrakon, and travel to Earth to avenge h... more
  • Heritage (Tales of the Phoenix Titan Book 1)

    by S.M. Warlow
    Heritage is the debut novel from S.M. Warlow and the first instalment of the Tales of the Phoenix Titan series. This space opera is perfect for fans of Firefly, the Expanse, Star Wars and Mass Effect. Make them proud, son of Earth. 25 years after the fall of Earth, the Commonwealth is locked in a vicious, galaxy-spanning war against the Revenant. Countless worlds have been lost in the fighting, and now one crew must come together and stand in the way of galactic annihilation. Nathan Car... more
  • Psyche's Dream: A Dragon's Tale

    by R. J. Cole, MS, LEP

    The story is of a young man’s coming of age and his discovery of his true nature and calling by taking on an ancient series of seemingly dangerous and impossible alchemical tasks like those confronted by the mythological Greek gods Psyche who wields the magic of intuition and love and Apollo the god of light and darkness, healing, and the slayer of dragons. He learns how to face demons that hide in the netherworld of his unconscious and masters the techniques to overcome them. Included ... more

  • Becoming Crone

    by Lydia M. Hawke

    She wanted purpose. She got dark magic and war.

    Claire Emerson is adrift. After a lifetime as a wife, mother, and grandma, she never saw divorce or loneliness coming and is desperate for some sense of purpose. But when her sixtieth birthday brings a snarky gargoyle, an annoyingly sexy wolf shifter, and an unknown magical calling, she thinks she's losing the only thing she has left: her sanity.

    Refusing to believe she's the powerful defender of humankind he... more

  • The Scalebearers

    by Sweet
    There are few things worse than waking up hogtied in a locked cell. Waking up hogtied and daisy-chained to four strangers in a locked cell is one of those things. When Kaj, Valma, Ortensia, Gillian, and Ava wake up in a blood-stained and scratch-covered cell miles underground, the five pseudo-strangers have to figure out who put them there and why. With battling opinions and past grievances inciting tension in the group, the unwilling adventurers learn that fighting undead and discovering cl... more
  • Witch 13

    by Patrick Delaney
    On the eve of her resignation, Sheriff Sterling Marsh prepares for a bleak winter in Drybell, Connecticut, after a string of bad decisions leaves her life in shambles. Two weeks before Christmas and expecting a long night of paperwork and quiet celebration with the friends she’s grown to know and love, she’s surprised when an unnerving stranger appears in the form of a witch. A silent, menacing figure, the witch appears to be ripped straight out of a fairy tale, complete with a tall, pointed ... more
  • The Wicked and the Willing

    by Lianyu Tan
    An orphan with a shameful secret must choose whom to love: her vampire mistress or the woman trying to save her life. A provocative tale of seduction, violence, and despair from dark lesbian romance author Lianyu Tan.
  • Gauntlet: A Cyberpunk Action Adventure

    by Al Davidson
    Agent Farrell and his team have Joshua backed into a corner. At the NSMZ base, a Maelstrom permie rig and a team of scientists await Joshua’s arrival. Silently observing from the sidelines is Peter Yee of the Siuping Clan, a powerful crime boss to whom Joshua owes a favor. Caught between two formidable entities who want to exploit his abilities for their own purposes, Joshua must choose between the man who will make him a human weapon, and the one who will turn him into brainmeat to con... more
  • Zero-Day: A Cyberpunk Action Adventure: The Sommerfeld Experiment #1

    by Al Davidson

    Who Am I? What am I?

    These questions have plagued Joshua since childhood. Mysterious amplified senses and boosted reflexes have helped him survive and thrive in a brutal, lawless megacity, and he leads the notorious Epitaph gang with keen street instincts.

    When Joshua’s unexplained abilities draw the attention of a covert government entity, he finds himself on the run. Only his skills and street smarts keep him one step ahead of his relentless hunters.

    They know what h... more

  • The Crystals

    by Peter Buckle 
    ‘...Ben shivered and looked with horror at what he saw. Before his eyes, the water in the lake slowly receded and an icy wind whistled through the window… He could not believe what was happening—everything was disappearing. The lake was a dry hollow, the meadows had become barren and the trees stood before him stripped of their leaves and bark. The sky darkened and then everything turned white and he could see a figure standing alone on the frosted ground…’ Ben, a young adult, aware of his stran... more
  • The Constable and the Chief Captain

    by Kevin Mickel
    After many years of peace, the Three Kingdoms are once again threatened by their old enemy, the sorcerer Borak. Or are they? While there is evidence that he has indeed risen again, there are those who refuse to accept that frightening possibility. Two men, Alginon, the Chief Captain of the Three Kingdoms, and Uriah, the Chief Constable from a small village, find themselves caught up in having to prove that the danger is real. Both know that war is coming, but will they be able to convince the ki... more
  • Bed of Rose and Thorns

    by Lee Hunt
    Sir Ezra is an Elysian Bell; he has a frightening potential that he keeps hidden deep beneath tight layers of steel armor. He secretly loves a dark Queen whose touch would mean his death. Banished for brutally slaughtering the Prince of Erle and husband to the Queen, Sir Ezra can only dream of seeing her again. Every night, his soul travels to distant lands, remembering the Queen, her deep convictions, brilliant mind, unending work, hidden loneliness, and a single night of horrific bloodshed.... more
  • The Constable and The Chief Captain

    by Kevin Mickel
    After many years of peace, the Three Kingdoms are once again threatened by their old enemy, the sorcerer Borak. Or are they? While there is evidence that he has indeed risen again, there are those who refuse to accept that frightening possibility. Two men, Alginon, the Chief Captain of the Three Kingdoms, and Uriah, the Chief Constable from a small village, find themselves caught up in having to prove that the danger is real. Both know that war is coming, but will they be able to convince the ki... more
