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  • Hunting for the Lamb of God

    by Jamey O'Donnell
    If food became unavailable due to a natural disaster and your only food source was human beings, would you eat someone? Would you go a step further and kill someone to eat them? These are decisions that would have to be made by normal, everyday people if faced with this type of situation. Hunting for the Lamb of God traces the footsteps of two families living across the street from each other in a suburb south of Denver, Colorado. The families join forces to navigate through a dystopian nightmar... more
  • Failure!

    by Robert Edwards
    The World Ended on a Tuesday... ...but "The End" is only the beginning! Failure is a book about a book. Or a book based on a movie about a book. Or a sequel to a movie that was made-for-tv and critically panned, but that had heart, damn it! It's about a whale. It's about a Quarterback with a winning smile and a family secret. It's about a Girl who's had it tough, and anuther who just can't git enuff. It's only partially plagiarized! Enjoy the sensation of
  • Darkling

    by Jason Córdova

    Soldier. Spy. Statesman.

    Gabriel Espinoza is dead, yet living in a world where he never sees those he loves and cares about. Every day of his existence is one of fear; however, this fear keeps his edge sharpened and his senses honed while he continues to fight for his Emperor. Fear can be a useful tool in the proper hands…

    Andrew Espinoza is both dead and alive, caught in a juxtaposition of identities that not even he can truly understand. He embraced his fear long before, ... more

  • Wraithkin

    by Jason Cordova

    Fate is a cruel, fickle mistress.

    Torn away from his one true love, Gabriel Espinoza will burn the galaxy to get her back. But doing so first means joining the enigmatic Wraith Corps, where he is thrust to the forefront of a terrible war against an alien threat. The only path to saving her is over the dead bodies of the invaders—if he survives.

    Light-years away, his brother, Special Agent Andrew Espinoza, is recruited by a clandestine intelligence agency known only as Projec... more

  • The Bookish Dark

    by Matthew Brady
    Joseph Harper is an old man down on his luck: ignored at home, unappreciated at work. Rayleigh Laurel, one of his students, is a young man with nothing but luck: handsome, brilliant, wealthy. The two could not have less in common. That is, until the day an accident befalls them both and they are bestowed with an otherworldly power: to shape the world around them with no more than a spoken word.
  • The Left Hand of Dog

    by SI CLARKE
    Intergalactic kidnappers! A chatty horse! Sentient glitter gas! And a dog! When Lem and her dog retreat from the city for a few days, they don’t expect to wind up aboard the Starship Teapot with adorable alien bounty hunters. Fans of Victories Greater than Death, Discworld, and H2G2 will love this.
  • The King's New Sword

    by John Pedersen
    The smallest thirteen-year-old girl in her village, Dinah, is chosen by Olaf a master blacksmith to become that year's apprentice. Despite all the doubts, she soon overcomes the obstacles that stand in her way. Swiftly becoming recognised as the most innovative swordsmith in the land. With war raging on the Southern border. The Northern King commissions Dinah to produce a sword that he will use to lead his troops into battle against the Southern Wizard and his allies. During the crafting process... more
  • Heroes!

    by Fares Mohamed Elbargisy
    In a world full of warriors of all kinds, heroes must rise to defeat the dark forces of the world. That is why a group of them decides to create the heroic team known as the Fanciful Squad. This is the story of werewolves, cowboys, pirates, knights, ninjas, samurai, hybrids, robots, kings, queens, elementals, dragons, presidents, vampires, zombies, scientists, gods, magicians, dinosaurs, martial arts, Red Riding Hood, Arthurian legends, ghosts, hikers, adventurers, cyborg, ninjas and Santa Claus... more
  • Into the Fire

    by James Rosone

    Ultimately, the decisions of the admirals...

    ...were the Viceroy's responsibility.

    Could the losses have been avoided?

    Down on Alfheim, the situation was dire. Some brave men and women had to be left behind for the greater good. Viceroy Miles Hunt, gutted by the losses, needed to stay focused.

    A Titan-class warship, the Freedom, could be the key to victory, if it were fully operational with a trained crew. It was not.

    Could Miles find another ally to be a wil... more

  • Into the Chaos

    by James Rosone
    A terrible massacre was discovered… …Did the same fate befall Sumer? Captain Brian Royce brings Hadad to his home planet, which shows obvious signs of battle. Did any of his family survive? Where are all the children…did the Zodarks take them? Admiral Miles Hunt finds himself appointed to a new position beyond his current skillset. He now has to become more than just a ship captain and fleet commander… …He must become the Viceroy of the Milky Way Galaxy. On Alpha Centauri, an a... more
  • Children of the Dying Hearth

    by Martin R. Nelson

    Resentment festers. Thousands of years after the Empire of Kai’loth fell, the world of Tesseris is tenuously held together by the five pentarchs of the Crux. Outside the massive city, the pirates of the Verdant Sea grow bolder with each passing season, and strange tales spread of villages uprooted as if by giants, giving the pentarchs more pressing matters to worry about than corruption within their ranks. Yet in the shadows an order of monks has secretly trained and sent men into the w... more

  • Living Memory

    by David Walton

    The first book of a globe-spanning science-fiction thriller series by the author of The Genius Plague. When paleontologists Samira and Kit uncover dinosaur skeletons in northern Thailand, they also find the remains of an ancient genetic technology that nations will kill to control. Catapulted into a web of murder and intrigue involving the Chinese Ministry of State Security, a powerful Asian crime syndicate, the CIA, and a beautiful Thai princess, Samira and Kit don’t k... more

  • The Acolyte of Apocalypse

    by Jeff Gonsalves
    Elliott Anderssen is a disturbed young boy with a dangerous psychic talent: when he gets angry, he can make your worst fears spring to life. His mother is a paranoid recluse who keeps him locked in his bedroom for days at a time. One night, in a fit of desperation, Elliott transforms their home into a fiery vision from Hell, drawing the militia's attention. A frantic chase results in the detainment of Elliott in a maximum-security seclusion tank. Elliott's uncle Chuck is an operative working ... more
  • The Auction

    by Elci North
    In a society where babies have become a source of government income, laws designed to push up the birth rate are enacted that strip women of the most basic of human rights: The right to choose when to have a child, the right to choose who to marry, and the right to raise her biological child. Logical computer programmer Jane overindulges at a graduation party, winds up pregnant, and is forced to marry a near-stranger. Drama queen Angelica bets a gay guy in a bar that he couldn’t “do it wit... more
  • Demons, the Great White North and the Blind Detective

    by Shawn Adair Johnston
    Synopsis: On Canada’s Arctic coast, the lives of local villagers are threatened by an abused Inuit teenager, a rogue A.I., and an ancient demon. An alliance between the oldest and newest forms of evil in our planet’s history could trigger a world war and usher in a permanent dark age. While investigating brutal attacks against Inuit villages, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, assisted by renowned blind detective Peter Straw, discover a far more complex danger. In this futuristic sci fi/fantasy... more
  • Snallygaster

    by Steven Hamling
    Some People Keep Secrets Nina Papez was once a rising star, until her career took a turn for the worse. Now she works as a waitress, trying to make rent. Ashamed of her struggles, Nina has not told anyone about her predicament, especially her family. When her uncle Hecotr calls asking her to help him with his sheep farm, Nina flies out to the Maryland countryside. Some Secrets Kill Something has been living in the woods surrounding the town of Little River. Something that has been kept... more
