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  • Merfolk

    by Jeremy Bates
    A cave-diving expedition on a mysterious island goes horribly wrong for a renowned marine biologist and his fellow divers when they become hunted by a deadly breed of predators that until then had only been known in myths and legends.
  • Beyond the Rail and Other Nightmares

    by Ichabod Ebenezer
    A petty thief steals a car and the curse that comes with it… An abandoned laptop leads an overstressed software designer to the dark web, where ruthless traders barter in something more intangible than money… A small-town cop shows up for a routine eviction, but finds an abomination hidden beneath the house… From the mind of Ichabod Ebenezer, author of Between Bloom and Decay and A Shadow Stained in Blood, comes a collection of short stories destined to sink its teeth into your bones. B... more
  • The Wicche Glass Tavern

    by Seana Kelly
    I’m Sam Quinn, the werewolf book nerd owner of the Slaughtered Lamb Bookstore and Bar. Clive, my vampire gentleman caller, has asked me to marry him. His nocturne is less than celebratory. Unfortunately, for them and the sexy vamp doing her best to seduce him, his cold, dead heart beats only for me. As much as my love life feels like a minefield, it has to take a backseat to a far more pressing problem. The time has come. I need to deal with my aunt, the woman who’s been trying to kill me for... more
  • The Binding Tempest

    by Steven Rudy
    An age of alchemy, magic and machines has arrived in the wake of a fallen empire that left the world lost and vulnerable. In the war-torn cities, where gas lamps glow, an ancient threat stalks the energy of souls. Ellaria Moonstone, a hero of the Great War, has spent the last forty years trying to rebuild. But when she is suspiciously requested to attend a meeting at the Ascendancy Tower in Adalon, she discovers the Coalition of Nations has fallen under the control of a new Sagean Dark Lor... more
  • The Timepiece and the Girl Who Went Astray

    by O.R. Simmonds
    William Wells, a gifted but risk-averse US college dropout living an unadventurous life in London, stumbles upon a mysterious Timepiece with the ability to alter time. When the Timepiece’s previous owner is brutally murdered by unknown assailants, Will flees, only to see the love of his life, Abigayle, vanish before his eyes when she comes into contact with this remarkable watch. He soon finds himself alone in an unfamiliar city, wanted for a murder he didn’t commit and the prime suspect in a... more
  • The Eyes Within

    by Duane E. Coffill
    Jack Olson, a real estate agent, comes home from a business trip and discovers his family has been gruesomely murdered. To his surprise, his wife, Maggie, still alive, hanging from a wooden beam in the attic, utters a word to her husband before dying, and then the police arrive. Jack is arrested for the vicious crimes. Years go by, and a new family moves into the vacant house. Detective Josh Hall, who was on the scene of the murders, keeps a watchful eye on them as he is concerned about what sin... more
  • Jeremy and the Witches' Medallion

    by Randy Gauthier
    A present day teenage boy from London, England is handed down a family heirloom from his mom only to see a magpie bird steal and fly off with it. By chance Jeremy finds himself transported back in time to the seventeeth century where he embarks on a magical journey throughout England, Wales, and Scotland. On his journey he discovers that his abilities are endless as he makes friends with a variety of animals while learning he can communicate with them. A strong bond is formed and the pack decide... more
  • The Awakening

    by Kirsten McCully
    A job opportunity to die for. Jenna Summers and her business partner Daniel start up their own archaeological services firm. When they are summoned to a meeting in Washington DC with a Senator, they cannot believe their luck in being handpicked for a career-making expedition to an unknown island. They set off with their team in the hopes that they can make history. What they find instead is a dark, horrifying truth about the island that they are now alone on. Alone... with it. Pr... more
  • Cassius and Ellendarra

    by D. C. Armstrong
    All that stands between the realm of Evlontus and complete destruction, is Cassius. Within his soul, a terrifying dark force that had at one point threatened to destroy them all, is imprisoned, and with each passing day he can feel himself beginning to lose control over it. It is up to his brother, King Magnus, and his deceitful machinations, to find ways to repress and ultimately destroy the evil entity once and for all. Ellendarra enters their lives just as things begin to unravel and destiny ... more
  • Divine Words

    by JT Newman
    Murderous Absetian war golems lead an attack on Kovos’ home, destroying his village and threatening the entire nation of Terrat. Determined to defend his land and desperate for vengeance, Kovos learns to harness dark new powers and sets out to forge his destiny.
  • Vow Unbroken: Faerie Tales 3

    by T.J. Deschamps

    In the third book of the Faerie Tales series, the story expands. In the outset story, Fergus, Aoife, and Niamh hunt down the reincarnation of Tamlin so that they might break the curse.

    On the inset story, Aoife attempts to find Cu Roi Mac Daire's weakness, so she can use it against him. She finds darker secrets await outside his castle's walls.

    Fagan, now going by Fergus, takes up Tamlin's offer to train with the fae warriors so that he might gain favor with Mab. The p... more

  • At The End of Everything (The Relevation Trilogy Book 2)

    by G. W. Lücke
    Grin and Thaly rescue Tom Anderson from the clutches of the wicked Malphas and escape Enthilen on a merchant ship. But the journey proves perilous, tearing the friendship apart and setting them on different paths. Tom seeks the land of Bindari, where he believes he’ll discover how to defeat Malphas. What he finds there, throw his plans into chaos but reveal a chance to thwart Malphas if Tom’s prepared to risk everything. A shared trauma brings Grin and Thaly closer together. After returning to... more
  • The Matilda

    by Jon Gray Lang

    Set in the 29th century in a distant part of the galaxy, the Consortium controls the human colonies held together by the jump gates.  Where the Consortium doesn’t hold sway, crime flourishes. Using a hellish engine that goes where no one should, the crew of the Matilda slips its way between the two.

    CAPTAIN JACQUIE DELAHAYE (smuggler) and the Matilda crew sneak onto a prison ship and break out ANTON ROANE (ex-freedom fighter).  He forces them to take along th... more

  • Alt-ernate: A Collection of 37 Stories

    by Melanie Harding-Shaw
    Melanie Harding-Shaw’s debut collection of short stories explores alternate realities, presents, and futures through science fiction, fantasy and horror. Alternating between bite-sized micro-fiction and longer stories, it includes five never-before-published stories as well as the first novelette in the Censored City trilogy, Would She Be Gone.
  • Against the Grain: A Contemporary Witchy Fiction Novella

    by Melanie Harding-Shaw
    A celiac mountain biking witch from New Zealand finds a dash of romance while facing a dark trap with her snarky demon familiar.
  • The Mountain

    by Matthew C. Lucas
    An aspiring young commissar, a restless king, and a sardonic judge find themselves in the throes of a civil war that is tearing their commonwealth apart. An epic fantasy, The Mountain combines high action and deep intrigue.
