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  • Village of Salt and Sorrow

    by Laura Holt
    Nova McIntosh has been called many things—a witch. Dangerous. The girl with fire in her hair and salt water in her veins, whose eyes will drag you in and crush your heart like an under tow—and they’re all true. It’s said that Loch Moira was once home to a flock of selkies, until its fishermen made a deal with a sea witch to steal their pelts. Unable to transform, the selkies were forced to retain their human forms and wed their captors. But the sea is unforgiving and eternal and demands restitu... more
  • The Warrior Queen

    by Kathryn Knowles
    From the stillness, a hero rises. Catanya has escaped to the Kingdom of Awnell. Inside the towering fortress city, she meets Queen Ayr, a freethinking and cunning leader intent on safeguarding her people's liberty. Unsure who to trust, and still grappling with her untamed magic, Catanya must learn what it means to be a warrior. Miles away, Diyah's strength is tested as new allies emerge and old secrets unravel. Torn between fear and curiosity, she begins to suspect that nothing is as it se... more
  • Sunshine and Shadow: Exodus, or The Second Transit

    by Benjamin X. Wretlind

    Where do you go when the storms come and your paradise rebels?

    On a cold and rainy September afternoon, Father Elijah Jonas convinced his followers to abandon the purgatory that was Earth and travel on faith to a new world. Now, forty years after the most important event in human history no one left on Earth witnessed, the descendants of those who followed Elijah have built a remarkable life. From farms to stables to the mundane of the day, life has been fruitful. But, like many things ... more

  • The Fireshrike

    by Eloise Redding

    Two convicts, Lavinia DeWitt and Zavier Nicholas wash up on the frontier shores of Ta'er Fraedinn. They are picked up on a caravan, which is then attacked by a clan of natives, the Fenrir. The two flee into the woods and are met with a wendigo. The Chieftain's son Fjorm saves the duo and brings them back to camp.

    After spending a night with the Fenrir, Lavinia and Zavier are forced back onto the road. They come to Pennsicol, a colonial town, but they are met with guns. The two a... more

  • Vision of the Spirit Man

    by George Mendoza
    Five years after the events of Journey of the Spirit Man, Michael Seymour finds himself back in the alternate reality from which he had been so eager to escape, but to where he has recently been desperate to return. But the land he discovers upon arrival has changed. A great war rages, and Michael is revered as a warrior and a killer, although he has no recollection of being either of those things. Charged with finding and destroying the Annihilator, a force intent on bringing doom to the lan... more
  • 978-1664142084

    by Mary Schaller
    Two nursing students take an apartment in a Victorian house in San Francisco. One of these women gets involved in some steamy affairs with professional men and drugs. Sadly, she ends up dead. Poison was the cause of death, and it could have been an accident or murder. The poison came from a mushroom called Amanita ocreata. Several suspects could have profited by her death. The big question is, who knew about the poison and who also has a motive? The police find the case complicated by the world ... more
  • Restoration

    by Sam Bradbury
    The air is too thick to safely breathe, streets are more trash than concrete, and ecosystems are on the brink of collapse. Having accepted that climate change would have been too costly and formidable to stop, the world remains divided between the “destabilized” lands of famine and the “stabilized” states where genetic engineering keeps populations fed and pacified. When Lotus, a young student, discovers the abrupt and cataclysmic die-off of a remote mountain valley, authorities are steadfast... more
  • Desolation

    by Simon L Butler
    Twenty-six years ago, the world as we knew it ended. Now, a new generation has come of age in a world that brings out the best and worst in humanity. Civilization collapsed us into a new dark age of desperate and disparate survivors, fighting to make a life for themselves while humanity remains on the brink of extinction. Humans cling on to life in barely-hospitable desert conditions, far too extreme for the hordes of undead that dominate the arable regions of the continent. Follow nomad, Jack, ... more
  • Bardolomy

    by norbert weissinger

    A lonely freighter pilot travels to a distant galaxy and must transform his genetic structure in order to survive on a planet with a climate so hellish that evolved humans hibernate underground during the Burn season. The only one that can perform the genetic modification is a secretive A. I. who has many enemies, namely a mutant clan that wants to put an end to its experimentation. Our anti-hero must decide to continue his futile quest for a new home, or settle the ancient rivalry between a ... more

  • Tangled Spirits: A Novel

    by Kate Shanahan
    2019: Mina Cooper’s study-abroad program has given her the independence she craves. But while meditating in a power spot on a Japanese mountain, Mina’s spirit is drawn into the distant past - and into someone else’s body. 999: Desperately lonely after her mother and sister die in an epidemic, aspiring shaman Lady Masako enters the spirit world to contact them. Unable to control her powers, she leaves in a panic, but pulls Mina with her. After a struggle for control and a failed exorcism, ... more
  • Freedom Doesn't Grieve

    by Uri Resnick
    Billions are dead in the wake of a pandemic era. A global sentience tasks telepathic envoys with overseeing a utopian world federation. A brilliant young neuroscientist races to prevent the fulfillment of an ominous prophecy. Things seem challenging enough…until she discovers the shocking magnitude of what she – and humanity – are really up against. This elevated sci-fi thriller is both a philosophical tour-de-force and emotional roller-coaster, which will change how you think about yourself an... more
  • Hard Kill

    by Bill Eckel
    RoboCop meets The Great Escape. It's a race to the surface and freedom. A fast-paced, action-adventure pitting humans and cyborgs led by one family, the Henry's, against the transhumanist government of Eris which has instituted "hard kill" measures to eliminate the now useless Fleshie population.
  • Hide & Seek

    by Simone Leigh Martin
    Lex Huntley is a Repo Agent, employed to chase down magical assets. She's at the top of her game, until she raids a suburban coven and finds them neck deep in dark magic. Next thing she knows, she's at the center of an Underworld conspiracy. Hide & Seek is the first book in the Reposessed series, and is for lovers of Kate Daniels, Mercy Thompson, and Alice Worth adventures.
  • 9781736284841

    by Juliana Rew
    After years spent testing wormhole space technology for the Masquat Empire, Lucanus returns victorious—but disgruntled by being used as a guinea pig by his royal father Calaneris. Luqas flees with his mother and Dog to seek independence and a new planet, inventing an advanced artificial intelligence to aid in the search. Along the way they befriend alien survivors of a war and bring them along to the newly discovered planet, Fortuna. New settlers arrive, including a young albino woman, An-Bai, w... more
  • The Soul Snatchers

    by David Muchai
    Binti Baraza is a six-year veteran detective at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations. Also, she is dead. When Elvira Kaidi confesses to drowning all three of her children, claiming they were possessed by the spirit of the abusive husband she stabbed to death three years ago, Detective Binti Baraza is buying none of it. After all, Elvira is a murderer who belongs in jail, or is she? In the course of her investigation, Binti has to contend with powerful outside forces, and demons vying f... more
  • Rosette (The Infinit Universe™ Book One)

    by Daniel M. Ross
    TOMORROW IS YESTERDAY.™ BABYLON, 2171. As the fabric of time begins to unravel, the man responsible must wrestle his darkest demons in order to thread the world back together again.
