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  • Later

    by Colette R. Harrell
    In 1859, Junie Benson was a twelve-year-old genius and enslaved. His older sister, Sari, had her own difficulties, including being auctioned to the highest bidder. She was also beautiful, flighty, and had a repetitive dream about a hazel-eyed white stranger. Everybody with the good sense God had given them knew even her dream was forbidden. In the present, three things troubled ex-Special Forces Lt. Colonel Zachary Trumble . . . his new job as director of security for Burstein Labs, his lovele... more
  • Unfamiliar Territory

    by R. Lindsay Carter
    Cressida Curtain has a business to run. She spends her time catching bad guys and turning them in for bounties. After all, she’s a natural born hunter. She also isn’t exactly human. That’s her secret to keep, because her very existence is the only thing holding a great evil at bay. It’s a legacy that’s been passed down through the generations, and Cressida is the latest in line. But she’s not going to let a little thing like the fate of the world get in her way. Life as a bounty hunter is... more
  • The Family Condition

    by Cody Lakin

    Elodie Villeneuve has monsters in her family.

    When Bennett and Elodie first meet, the connection is immediate and intense. Both of them are trying to escape the shadows of their pasts, hoping to make sense of their lives in the present. Although they're new to each other, their devotion runs deep. But the shadow that hangs over Elodie—the disturbing legacy of her lineage and the strange genetic condition that haunts it—cannot be ignored for long.

    Meeting the family... more

  • Till Myth Do Us Part (The Seed of Yggdrasil)

    by Darius Ebrahimi

    Heaven is not what Kai imagined. What surprises him isn’t the mythical beasts running free, scorching drought, or the misguided reputation he has as a hero by stranger and family alike. He only imagined his true love, Sophia.

    Reuniting with her isn’t a goal — it’s everything. To rescue her from the perilous city of Asphodel and spend eternity together in Elysium, Kai makes a deal with the mortal council that speaks for missing gods.

    Save heaven. S... more

  • Lautréamont

    by Aaron J Clarke
    A beautiful country-side château harbours dark, sinful secrets. God is testing us. An adamantine bond that not even time can weaken forces even the most devout towards hedonism. Who is Le Comte, the ominous stranger with the soft, mesmeric eyes – will he be their anodyne? Can their iniquitous deeds be forgiven? Love and hate, lust and disgust become inextricably tangled in this Daedalian novella, a tale of passion and devotion – for Christ or the Devil, it is hard to tell. Death and d... more
  • The Probability of Time (The Historians Trilogy)

    by Tim Koster
    While investigating a high-profile murder, Detective Liam Smart uncovers a secret war that's been manipulating the American Political Landscape since the Revolutionary War. As the evidence of his case begins to build, Liam finds that the longer he pursues the killer, the more he gets dragged into the conflict until he has no choice but to join the fight. Described as a unique blend of a mystery, crime drama, and science fiction, Tim Koster’s debut novel is a well-paced time travel thriller fu... more
  • The Roots of Yggdrasil (The Norse Saga of Sigurd Book 2)

    by Katherine Buel
    The Master of Masters has sent his foster sons to war, but not even he knows the course of fate—neither theirs, nor his own. When he finds himself withering in the ring’s absence, Regin seeks help from the one who cursed the Nibelung Hoard … but help is not what awaits him in the realm of the dwarf king. Help awaits no one in this bold and transportive second installment of Sigurd’s legend—certainly none awaits Sigurd himself. Fate has more in store for him than his foster brother’s war; he h... more
  • Wizards of Arcadia

    by Daniel Xavier Luna
    Evil isn’t born, nor is it stumbled upon. It’s created in the shadows of a person’s soul. It plants itself and evolves throughout one’s journey in life where it culminates in darkness until it consumes the individual. For twins Adrian and Andrew, it’s a journey one of them will take. Book one Andrew and Adrian are catapulted into a world where spells, magical beasts, and wizards exist. A world they now belong to, and their once predictable summer is gone in a blink of an eye. They go visi... more
  • Swallow

    by A.H. Mims
    In a future America wracked by climate change, disease, and civil unrest, Martene Fisher has risen from humble beginnings to realize her dream of becoming a military officer and pilot, positions usually reserved for members of the upper class. With an elevated social status and a lifestyle few in her world enjoy, she has everything she’s ever wanted and more than most could hope for: a career, a home, people she loves, security. But Martene discovers the job is not what it seems and her hard-won... more
  • After the Fall

    by Deek Rhew
    Shai was created for one purpose: to die. 200 years after the fall of civilization, in a world warred to rubble, Shai and her fellow Recollectors—humans built by machines to serve machines—have carved out a simple, pleasant life in their Mazatlán oasis. One of love, surf, and kinship. Life is far from peaceful though. The Osiris AI controlling the machines is destabilizing, and Shai, with her upgraded genome, is the perfect sacrificial specimen they can use to patch it. To stop them and... more
  • The Road to Damascus

    by Mark Tapper
    When a magic ritual goes awry at the end of the First Crusade, a group of Knights Hospitaller are mistakenly made immortal, doomed to be reborn after each death. The knights fight with sword and magic, and, like the Hospitallers they once were, they care for the sick and dying. Their foes are the Returned, banished mages who form a corporation in another dimension that’s hell-bent on destroying beauty, diversity, and tolerance in our world as completely as it has in their own. Paul, senesc... more
  • Republic Under Siege: Threat from Within (Wars of the New Humanity Book #2)

    by Michael J. Brooks

    In the second book of this adult science-fiction thriller, a young immigrant woman, from Colony Three, becomes an outcast within Eden’s class system but decides to retaliate, and she aims to recruit Randal Scott, one of the colonies’ liberators, into a social-justice organization involved in a shadow war against murderous extremists scheming to preserve the status quo.

    What is the journey of a lottery beneficiary, a colony immigrant, like? What happens when ... more

  • Cato's Choice

    by Juri Pill
  • Ascension

    by Marc R. Micciola

    The long-standing peace in the continent of Midstad is disrupted by a cult called The Black Light after a number of assassinations. The goal is to cause enough chaos to distract the good people of Midstad from their secret mission. Sadly for The Black Light, and its leaders Iver and Otti, their enemies are not so easily fooled. Suspicions arise when the old name of Kemryr is uttered, and the King of Hestferd, Bryntyr, decides to investigate further. Einar, Bryntyr's son, goes with hi... more

  • Glossolalia: or don't scream it on the mountain

    by e rathke
    “My name is Ineluki. I come from past the mountains and ice. It took me many days to reach here. All I know are dead. Will you take me in?” And so begins a calamitous year at the edge of the world. Chief for the year, Aukul's life has never been better. His people respect him, he spends his nights with the love of his life, and his skills as a butcher and chef improve every day. Then Ineluki, a young stranger, wanders into town with nothing but an empty book. He begins telling stories of t... more
  • Journey to the Heart Stone

    by Catherine Raphael
    In the beginning, the Goddess danced the world into existence. Peace reigned for generations through matriarchal rule within the Minca, Dute, and Carroo tribes. But then one man’s lust for power destroyed this balance: Vestor assassinated his sister, Mother of the Minca tribe. His army ravaged the Dute and Carroo tribes. A once-idyllic world was thrust into war, famine, and despair. Yet today, there is hope. Vestor’s niece, Cora, has a vision: if she can convince an emissary from each tribe t... more
