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  • THE HOPE (The IN-BETWEEN series Book 3)

    by Sagar Constantin
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Our world needs help. Our world needs hope. This amazing series of three books offer that hope. Read them, you won't regret it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Very interesting book especially for the times we live in. The story line would have been easier to follow if I had read book 2, but it does explain enough to catch up. Life lessons taught - trust must be stronger than fear; love more important than hate; gratitude more than greed. With these there is HOPE. If the Ring's mission is to succeed... more
  • Welcome to the Free World: A Novel

    by Lloyd Raleigh
    Ecologist Lloyd Raleigh’s debut novel, Welcome to the Free World, is an immersive plunge into a visionary, creative futurescape beyond dystopia and utopia, yet containing both. Am I just typical of my generation, overwhelmed with life in a sea of problems? Will Robin contemplates. Will has inherited a violent, controlling world, forever altered by climate change, and a metaverse orchestrated by a seductive artificial general intelligence named IRIS. His perceptive grandmother asks. Will... more
  • Ghosts of Randsburg, the Madame Secrets: Ghost Huntress Diaries

    by Marie Mason

    Unlike fiction based ghost story books, Ghosts of Randsburg: The Madame’s Secret is one in which a real ghost hunter, Marie Mason, with tangible evidence in the ghost town of Randsburg, reveals secrets from the past. Ghost hunter Marie Mason can remarkably capture a ghost in color during the day. She is known for visiting a haunted place herself to discover historical ghost stories. This Madame mystery book is where she lists down and describes all her paranormal investigation missions. She f... more

  • The Last Daughter

    by Alexis L. Menard
    She's cursed with a dead witch's power over fate, he's a heartless demigod born for revenge and redemption. Once her enemy, now a conflict of interest. The fate of the Nine Realms dangles on a dangerously thin thread. Fate was cruel enough by dealing Ailsa with a fatal illness. But when her father and sisters are killed at war, she becomes the Last Daughter in a long line of shieldmages. This power comes with a price, however, coincidentally getting her kidnapped by an elfin she’s only heard of... more
  • Pursuit

    by James Kaine

    When their honeymoon is terrorized by a murderous predator with a machete, will their vows until death come due too soon?

    Pine Barrens, New Jersey. Ava Allegretti lives every day as her last. With a heart condition making her brutally aware tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, the new bride is determined to enjoy what time she has with her beloved. But the dreamy trip home from their honeymoon in Atlantic City quickly turns into a nightmare when a vicious maniac on a motorcycle runs th... more

  • Uncanny Valley

    by Dennis Verneu
    What makes you what you are? Your past, your present, your future? In a near future, for better or worse, robots are omnipresent. Society has evolved, or at least that is what most want to think. Life is hard for everyone, but for Rob even harder. His past is as good as lost, his present at risk, and his future uncertain. Someone is chasing him, but he does not why, but it must not be good. He must escape, and perhaps he can do it. However, the thing is, if he succeeds, the consequences could ... more
  • The Cave

    by Elle Otero
    Maggie is imprisoned at Real Impact, a boot camp for troubled teens in the Mexican high desert, when she learns the outside world has been forever changed by the HORPOV-25 pandemic. Everyone and everything she once knew is dead. Guided by Abigail and her crew of "troubled" teens, Maggie embarks on a journey to discover what it means to survive in a terrifying new world—and in the process, finds a young boy named Valentino who is searching for home. Meanwhile in California, Warren and April ar... more
  • The Road

    by Elle Otero
    By October, the HORPOV-25 viral pandemic killed a third of the world’s population. In California, the remaining citizens have been evacuated or terminated by the nuclear bombs dropped on the cities to cull the infected. Those who remain have gone underground, like April Shaw. But she isn’t in a bunker by choice. She’s been held for months as a captive of the man who once claimed to love her. But now she has a chance to escape and complete the mission that began the day she refused to evacuate: t... more
  • The Grave

    by Elle Otero
    When Damian, a homeless veteran and his dog, Wolf, stumble upon the victim of a smallpox-like virus, he fears Oceanside may be on the brink of a viral outbreak. He goes to warn Cynthia, his once-lover and now manager of the Saint Anne homeless shelter, and finds out what society folk already know: that the pandemic is already here. With the majority of the town either evacuated or infected, Damian, Wolf, and his long-time friend Gillian “Frog” Fletcher must find a safe place to ride out the c... more
  • The Boat

    by Elle Otero
    In the wake of a viral pandemic, Lindsay drifts alone on a sailboat she can't operate. Jordan, the ship's Captain and the love of her life, is dead, like everyone else she ever knew. But Lindsay refuses to die. She's resourceful. Resilient. She survived the virus and the nuclear bombs deployed to destroy the infected. And now it's up to her to fight her way back to dry land, or what's left of it. Marooned in shark-infested waters with the storm season just beginning, will she—and any other survi... more
  • The Exile's Curse (Daughter of Ravens Book 1)

    by M.J. Scott

    To save her new life, she needs the man who destroyed her old one…

    Chloe de Montesse never thought she’d return from exile. Now she has a chance to reclaim the life she fled after her husband was executed for treason. But coming home again isn’t as simple as it sounds. Her magic is rusty, her family want her to wrap her in cotton wool, and Illvyan society views her as a scandal waiting to happen. Worse, her new life keeps throwing her into th... more

  • Our Lady of the Artilects

    by Andrew Gillsmith
    World leaders are already on edge as Artilects (next generation androids) begin reporting a strange apocalyptic vision that only they can see. But when an Artilect belonging to the wealthiest man in Africa shows up at the Basilica of Our Lady of Nigeria claiming to be possessed, the stakes are raised. The Vatican sends Fr. Gabriel Serafian, an exorcist and former neuroscientist, to investigate. Serafian quickly finds himself swept up in a conspiracy of global--and possibly supernatural--dimen... more
  • Latent Flaw: Xenophobia Series - Book 2

    by Andreas Karpf
    A crescent moon set against a jeweled field of stars gracefully slid into view. The thin arc of its crater-filled landscape drew Jack’s mind in. Long, inky shadows cast by jagged crater walls cut sharply into the pockmarked ashen terrain. Deeper within the jet-black lunar night-side were the lonely peaks of a smattering of mountain tops, catching a few last rays of sunlight. All Jack felt was a desire to be down there, exploring – perhaps uncovering some new detail in the history of Earth’s near... more
  • Prelude to Extinction: Xenophobia Series - Book 1

    by Andreas Karpf

    When Jack Harrison climbed down the short ladder from the airlock and stepped onto the debris covered soil, the ground crackled with the sound of dried leaves and twigs. Warm sunlight shined through his helmet, making him almost forget the decade he just spent captaining Earth’s first ship to another star system. The serene tropical surroundings, though, stood in stark contrast to the long abandoned structures that lay nearby.

    Evidence points to a massacre – the systematic e... more

  • Doom's Daze

    by Eva Sandor

    When a mysterious enemy looms large, the Kingdom's secret weapon is Murd— Malfred Murd!

    Finding himself still alive is the former jester’s first clue that his fate has taken yet another unexpected bounce. Quicker than you can say “Utmost Secret”, our unlikely hero is reunited with his magpie advisor... his two greatest frenemies... and the woman who's best at breaking his heart... for an international espionage mission with a fopp... more

  • Meggatrixx

    by Helen Dymond
    This fantasy novel is a battle for the survival of the Nineteenth Universe and its key planet, Earth, by two Creative Spirits - who are friends and partners but also bitter opponents in this race - one of which wants to destroy Earth and one which is desperate to save Earth in order to radically reform it, particularly its education of children. The novel revolves round the well-known story of Peter Pan, the Eternal Child. An interplanetary Commission is hearing submissions from both sides and... more
