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  • Debi Thomas What Really Happened

    by Carol Denise Mitchell
    World figure skater Debi Thomas was at the top of her game. She is the only African-American skater to medal in the Olympic Games. Having won many world titles, it was one jump in Calgary in 1988 that cost Debi Thomas a gold medal and ruined her life. Later on, she met a partner in Jamie Looney who successfully took Debi down, and she ended up living in a trailer that was infested with bedbugs. This is the only official book ever written on America's very talented skating star, who is also a med... more
  • SICKO The Stubborn Child of God

    by Kwame King
    IN ALL MY YEARS IN POVERTY, I HAD ONE GOAL : To make it out, by any means necessary. With many illegal involvements in the streets and high school no longer an option, I was certain that my life would result in struggle. Sure enough, it did: Homeless, wounded, neglected, and investigated. I mean, I got dragged through the bottom before I felt comfortable enough to mentor these students. In this 320 page autobiography, SICKO THE STUBBORN CHILD OF GOD, I discuss relationships and de... more
  • Rising: From a Mud Hut to the Boardroom -- And Back Again

    by Graci Harkema
    In this astonishing memoir, diversity, equity & inclusion expert Graci Harkema traces her path to finding her place in the world. Growing up as a queer woman and an adoptee from the Congo in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Harkema was different from those around her. Eventually, she learned to see her identity as her superpower, instead of her shame.
  • DEAR MICHAEL: A Memoir

    by Adam Lieber
    In a series of colorful recollections, Adam Lieber describes an unusual journey through life and love. The insightful narrative examines his intrepid determination in pursuing careers as an artist, chef, and entrepreneur, traveling around the US and to faraway countries. The allegorical prose is alive with humor and energy, highlighting a very human tale lying underneath.

    by Rejoice Kur

    This is a story inspired by a childhood journey from Raga to Wau towns in South Sudan in 1987. This is a story that depicted what was sought after before I was born. In a journey of a civil demand of a just cause I came along and join the march. Within the story is a reflective memoir of about the power of a good cause and a family who believed in the triumph of the people. In reading the book, the reader could discover that what sojourned in our labour are the good that we assembled fro... more

  • Surviving Creative Evolution: Future-Proof Your Creative Career, Overcome Automation Anxiety, and Thrive in the Era of Artificia

    by Shannon Hayner
    In our era of artificial intelligence, where automation transforms how we work and create, my new book Surviving Creative Evolution is your guide to thriving amidst disruption. I take you on a journey through the AI revolution, shedding light on what makes us distinctly human. While machines mimic language, we possess deep critical thinking, imagination, and emotional intelligence. Your perspectives and creativity remain invaluable. Surviving Creative Evolution provides practical self-care strat... more
  • When I Stop Fighting: The Unexpected Joy of Getting My Head Out of My Ass

    by Daryl Dittmer
    When I Stop Fighting is an eye-opening, honest, unapologetic take on life. It’s about overcoming obstacles, overcoming addictions, and taking risks. Sometimes we find ourselves in a place in life where we don’t want to be. For me, there is no more glamorous way to explain it than my head was in my ass. When I Stop Fighting illustrates how every single one of us can stop for a few moments, take a pause, evaluate ourselves, and determine what we want to get out of our time here. A move to... more
  • Ants In My Pants

    by Joyce Perrin
    A Restless Spirit, Unexpected Connections To Joyce Perrin, a divorced fifty-something living in Canada, the lure of adventure unleashed her undying curiosity about the world and about people as she crisscrossed the world for over twenty years and visited 156 countries on all seven continents. Not just as a tourist, but as an ambassador for adventure, working for the World Health Organization, touching (and changing) lives in healthcare settings in the Middle East, Africa, and South America. ... more
  • Girl Storm

    by Peg Kerswell
    Girl Storm is the true story of a mother struggling to care for her profoundly autistic daughter and having to make the very difficult decision of placing her in a residential home.
  • Excuse Me, Sir! Memoir of a Butch

    by Shaley Howard
    As a young child, in many ways, Shaley didn’t stand a chance. Growing up as a closeted lesbian in the 1970’s, in a dysfunctional family with an often mentally unstable mother, the only thing on her mind was survival. Turning to alcohol and drugs at an early age, she thought she’d found the perfect escape from the shame of being gay and her mother’s erratic emotional roller-coaster ride. Excuse Me, Sir! Memoir of a Butch is a story of the outsider. It’s about what it means to be marginalized,... more
  • Angels on the Clothesline, A Memoir

    by Ani Tuzman
    The daughter of Holocaust survivors and recent immigrants, Ani Tuzman grows up in a world darkened not only by her parents’ unfathomable grief and rage, but also by the bewildering bigotry of her American neighbors, schoolmates, and teachers. Yet on the farm that is her home, Ani can’t help but find beauty and joy. Ani doesn’t tell her parents that every day on the school busher hair is searched for her Jew-Devil horns or that she’s ganged up on at recess. She also doesn’t dare talk about the... more
  • Sidonia's Seam Binding

    by Hanna Perlstein Marcus
    The only daughter of a master dressmaker, a single mother Holocaust survivor, struggles to develop her own independent character, apart from her mother's vision. Sidonia's Seam Binding, the last volume in the Sidonia's Thread trilogy, is the most introspective and raw glimpse into the author's psyche as she grows into adulthood up to the present moment. Imagining an alternative reality of her mother's life as though she had never been born, while also tracing her mother's lost Hungarian ancestry... more
  • Bumpy Rides and Soft Landings: Stories of Coming Out, Flying High, and Not Learning to Play the Piano

    by James Pauley, Jr.
    Since the late 1970s, James Pauley Jr. has been jet-setting around the world as a flight attendant. During his time on this planet and in the skies, he’s pretty much seen and heard it all. In Bumpy Rides and Soft Landings, Pauley chronicles his life—both in the air and on the ground—one meaningful adventure after another.
  • Misplaced Childhood: A True Story of Resiliency and Child Advocacy

    by Joan Ulsher
    After foster care, Joan is returned home and subjected to more abuse. How can she be saved? Misplaced Childhood chronicles one woman’s powerful journey to overcome a tragic past and use her “lived experiences” to inspire others. Wounded by poverty, child abuse, and foster care, Joan Ulsher discovers a purpose-filled life through military service and faith in God. This transformational journey of survival and triumph ultimately leads Joan to become a fierce volunteer advocate for children in f... more
  • The Quad Life: Unexpected Times Abound, Reliance on God a Must

    by Joel Vander Molen
    I was involved in a car accident at a young age and received a high-level spinal cord injury. Unable to control anything below my shoulders, or breathe on my own, has given me unique challenges. Through relying on God's plan and His blesses, I have been able to do much in The Quad Life.
  • Gentleman of the Road: A Hitchhiking Memoir of the 1970s

    by Rollie Erickson
    This is the story of a young couple who go on a hitchhiking odyssey across the country in the 1970s, hoping to find a new life for themselves. The protagonist is an artist and a self-styled "searcher" who uses the I Ching for interpreting the random situations inherent to this adventure. The I Ching is also used to find a place to stop and settle down, leading to the couple's marriage. This culmination of chance events leads to the discovery of the author's real father. How will this reunion tu... more
