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  • How to Get Through Hell on Earth Without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome

    by Ryn Gargulinski
    Ryn Gargulinski (aka Rynski) went from a scruffy drunken rebel without a house on the streets of New York City to an award-winning writer, artist and speaker thriving in Florida (who is only scruffy every other Thursday). This book tells you how it happened, complete with handy tips along the way. Come along for the ride, and you’ll discover: •\tHow to get out of kissing a scrawny squatter without making him mad •\tWhat happens when you drink an entire bottle of gin in 52 seconds •\tWhy ... more
  • A Starving Spark

    by Chase Bayless
    This book is a representation of my life, expressed in a way that provides the emotional context of my experiences without the practical context. It's intended to allow for the reader to emphasize with my lived experience without necessarily understanding those experiences.
  • Two Tickets to Paradise: From Cult to Comedy

    by Katie Love
    The year is 1970. The horror soap opera Dark Shadows is all the rage, the Vietnam War is raging and nine-year-old Katie, an imaginative and independent latch-key kid, comes home from school to discover her mother's suicide. Taken in by her older sister who has recently become a Jehovah's Witness, Katie is shown an illustration from a bible picture book featuring wild animals peacefully lounging by a pool of water, surrounded by happy people picking fruit. An enticing offer is made: "Katie, this ... more
  • Life : Full Bloom Just JUSTIN

    by Gene booker

    The Story Teller Full Bloom : The dreamer, one who dares to never give up on his imagination, his ideas. To think it as an idea or thought, his a perfect picture in mind ,heart , soul and spirit. Just do it , the guts to make it happen, the loner, believing in self , simply "getting the job done" .Faith and God , finally , execute

    what ever is ,you were always it , " OZ and the Tin Man ". you know

    "his story"    a friend

  • Justin and the Story Book Justin Justin

    by Gene booker
    Life of Gene Ricardo booker/ Pin JUST JUSTIN The educational process, love and work ,as sharing the experience JUST JUSTIN

    by Davinder Kaur
    Jacket Copy: In the late 1980s, Davinder Kaur was forced to marry a man she didn't know. When she was only fourteen years old, the marriage was arranged and set to occur when she turned eighteen. After four long years of internal turmoil and despair, she had two choices: adhere to the customs and traditions of her family, or risk bringing dishonor to their home. Davinder didn't like either option, so she made a plan—a plan to survive. In Forced to Marry Him: A Lifetime of Tradition and the W... more
  • Unmatched

    by Sarah Lavane
    An Orthodox woman's memoir of being "unmatched" in a "matched" Orthodox society. Lavane recounts her mystifying journey to find marriage and meaning.
  • The Caregiver

    by Troy Donahue Jackson
    The Caregiver book purpose is to recognize, uplift and empower caregivers worldwide. This is A-must have book, can be pass down to next generations. Aging love ones need this care so bad. Humanity is paramount above everything else. Troy is the caregiver for his mother and gives her love everyday with passion. Description This book details the challenges caregivers face on a daily basis and how to overcome them. Overall, the book can and will make you understand and respect all caregivers for ... more
  • It Won't Hurt None: A story of courage, healing and a return to wholeness

    by Rebecca E Chandler

    “This book serves a therapeutic purpose for readers, giving them hope that not all is lost, even if they feel alone and abandoned.” Reader’s Favorite

    Rebecca E. Chandler was living in Kenya when she turned to a surgeon in Dubai for a “routine procedure.”  Within days of the operation, her mental and physical health collapsed. As her mind and body deteriorated,, flashbacks of her childhood sexual abuse began to re-emerge. Depression took over a... more

  • A Conservation Notebook

    by Paul Spencer Sochaczewski
    This highly personal volume from the former head of Creative Services for WWF International wanders from crowded UN conference rooms in Rio to simple farmers in Bhutan, to coral reefs in Micronesia and the Philippines to the wild regions of Indonesian New Guinea where outsiders want a piece of a poor farmer’s soul to the rainforests of Borneo where indigenous tribesmen fight for their land. From a mythical sacred mountain in India to holy groves in Burma to an ecological war zone in Zimbabwe, fr... more
  • Midlife Emergence: Free Your Inner Fire

    by Jen Berlingo
    Midlife Emergence is a revelatory memoir and an inviting guidebook; it is a compassionate companion that belongs on the bedside table of every woman who finds herself burning to reclaim powerful parts of herself that social conditioning has locked away. Midlife doesn’t need to be a crisis or an emergency—rather, it’s an emergence, an opportunity to make those beautiful, unexpressed facets shamelessly visible. When psychotherapist and coach Jen Berlingo traversed her own midlife portal, she exp... more
  • The Odyssey of a Hippie Marijuana Grower

    by John-Paul Cernak
    A historic look at the hippie era, and how the election of Ronald Reagan ended an epic cultural age. Jack never felt free until he lived in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury. But his freedom was in peril. The 1960s were over, and an era was closing. When the door slammed shut, there was no exit. Most of his friends cut their hair and took straight jobs in a world becoming more corporate and increasingly structured. It was a fate worse than death. But he wasn’t ready to capitulate. There might be an... more
  • M*A*S*H Vietnam: What it's like to be a war nurse

    by Lorna Griess
    M*A*S*H Vietnam shows how one young nurse survived the day-to-day drama in a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital in South Vietnam. Dealt in a frank, no-holds-barred tone, the book uncovers the operations of a MASH unit in a combat zone and the bleak hardships of war. This story is not so much about a war but about a regular nurse who followed her passion, her desire to do good, into the middle of a war zone, and her mixed emotions going home to a country torn by an unpopular war, uncertain how she wil... more
  • Within The Portal--A Memoir of Near Death Experience and Guide To Spiritual Awakening

    by Scott Spackey
    On June 19, I was killed. Dead in the street, Mangled, bloody and… Killed. Life can go from light to dark in an instant. Krishnanand catapulted to the ‘other-side’ when he was hit in the face by a full-size SUV. While he remained in a Stage 3 Glasgow coma for nine days, he remained fully conscious in a celestial dimension he now calls The Portal—what Tibetan Buddhists call The Bardo, and what Vedic/Sanskrit philosophy calls The Akashic Records. He woke without an identity, having no recall... more
  • A Quest for Identity: From Afghanistan to the World

    by Parastu Ahang-Mehdawi
    A Quest for Identity is her voice that offers a ladder to the world of literature. She defines herself as a citizen of the world. She is a disciple of human rights. Her message is clear: Stop separating humanity by colour, gender, religion, country, or nationality, and tolerate no war. Parastu’s pen dances on the paper when she gets inspired by nature’s beauty or is moved to scream by the injustices of the world. Her series of memoirs continues; in the second volume, she narrates her life as a w... more
  • Not Weakness: Navigating the Culture of Chronic Pain

    by Francesca Grossman
    After thyroid cancer, Crohn’s disease, and a slew of other autoimmune conditions ransacked her body in her twenties and thirties, Francesca was left feeling completely alone in her chronic pain. Constant, relentless, often indescribable, and always exhausting, it affected her whole life―intimacy, motherhood, friendship, work, and mental health. Yet it was also fairly invisible―and because of that, Francesca felt entirely alone in the centrifuge of her own pain. But after twenty-plus years of liv... more
