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  • Wrong Country, memoir

    by Larisa Rimerman

    My memoir about the transformation of young girl who, under Communist propaganda, passionately wanted to build Communism in her country and, not yet 16, went to Siberia, answering the Komsomol Appeal to the youth. Her father, rather successful Soviet writer, after spending seven years of his life in GULAG, was afraid to explain his estranged daughter the truth about

  • Love Song for Haiti: A Memoir of Life with Street Boys

    by Charlotte Oneille Adams

    Against the backdrop of Haitian culture and civil unrest, a single mother and her teenage daughter arrive in 1993 just as political violence escalates. As Director of a non-profit organization, Charlotte hopes to find a new sense of purpose and restore her relationship with her daughter. Yet nothing unfolds as she expects.

    In the city, lively street boys win her over, but they have desperate needs. In caring for them, they come to depend on her, and she, in turn, comes to relish their b... more

  • Red Thoughts

    by Tamar Nadiradze
    Matilda is a young woman who was born in a tiny city in a small country, in a very large family. She was an obedient girl with a calm nature, who was not revealing her wishes too loudly. Eventually, it ended up with suppression of her self and following the decisions of the family, without any objections. Over time Matilda kind of fell into a deep sleep and turned her life to Auto-Pilot. She was tormented by red neurosis, which forced her to abandon some social activities, her wishes, goals, and... more
  • Uncle Ted: A G.I.'s Journal of World War II

    by Barbara Gibby
    Barbara Gibby's passion for documenting the lives of family members is only surpassed by her unerring sense of history. In this exciting narrative, she faithfully follows Uncle Ted from the day he was drafted into the army in 1941 to the end of WWII. During this young G.I.'s tour of duty he had several assignments. He served as a gunner with the Air Corps in B-17s as well as driving a fast truck for the Red Ball Express, which was the hot line transportation outfit that delivered vital supplies ... more
  • Tales from the Kingdom of Tonga

    by Ilisapesi S. Weir
    The Lives of Mafi Helu Sisifa and Sione Finau Sisifa (1910 - 1970) in the context of Time, Geography and History in the Kingdom of Tonga.
  • Bumbling Through the Hindu Kush: A Memoir of Fear and Kindness in Afghanistan

    by Chris Woolf
    In 1991, Chris Woolf was working for the BBC World Service newsroom, and wanted to see if he’d like the life of a foreign correspondent. His friend was the BBC reporter in Kabul, so he went to visit the country. They found a ride with an aid convoy, and inadvertently bumbled straight into the war. They drove into a literal minefield; met death; got separated, then reunited. They made it through the mountains to meet the legendary Mujahidin leader, Ahmed Shah Massoud – the first journalists to ... more
  • Year of the Nurse: A Covid-19 Pandemic Memoir

    by Cassandra Alexander
    Year of the Nurse: A Covid-19 Pandemic Memoir is Cassandra Alexander's poignant effort to come to grips with suicidal ideation and PTSD after being a covid nurse in an ICU in 2020. Comprised of original essays and her chronological journals, tweets, and emails as she attempted to save lives, including her own—this book will let you experience last year from the bedside.

    WOMAN is a creative nonfiction memoir. Through poems and essays, it tells the story of my journey from adolescence to womanhood. This work was an opportunity for me to speak earnestly, and honestly about what it means to grow up as a woman in this country; in particular as it pertains to life in the intersections of society. As a black, queer/bisexual woman who's lived a life of poverty, a entering the world as someone who experienced decades of sexual abuse, and violence-- and carrying... more
  • Chronicles of a Mermaid

    by Tiffani Burkett
    “The two things I’ve always feared most in life are drowning or being paralyzed. So naturally, I started scuba diving and racing motorcycles.” Tiffani wanted a change when she left Los Angeles, but moving to Northwestern Montana for the winter might have been a bit too much of one. Six months of isolation, an absent partner, and endless snowfall was enough to send anyone spiraling into depression. As her heart and relationship held onto their last fraying threads, she made a rash decision ... more
  • Chronicles of a Motorcycle Gypsy: South of the Border

    by Tiffani Burkett
    Losing her job was an opportunity, not a tragedy. Fresh off of a nine month journey, camping off her 2015 Yamaha FZ-07 sport bike through 49 US states and 3 provinces of Canada, Tiffani Burkett wasn’t ready to return to a nine-to-five. She had picked up a freelance gig as a motorcycle journalist, she had met someone, and she still had a little bit of her dwindling life savings left in the bank. Naturally, the only logical course of action was to to set her sights toward the next set of lan... more
  • Chronicles of a Motorcycle Gypsy: The 49 States Tour

    by Tiffani Burkett
    A journey of 38,000 miles begins with a single twist of the throttle. After six years of laying rubber on racetracks and immersing herself in the high octane, adrenaline pumping sport of motorcycle racing, Tiffani was yearning for something new from her life on two wheels. Fortunately (or unfortunately?) losing her comfortable office job was the perfect opportunity to do exactly that. At 28 years old, single, unattached, and now unemployed, she took her 2015 Yamaha FZ-07 and built the nimb... more
  • The Music of Silence

    by Ashwin Alok
    This is my journey from a ‘no one’ to a ‘filmmaker’ on Disney+ hotstar. From someone who wanted ‘big things’ in life to the one who witnessed his dreams turning into reality. This is my transformation from an ‘unconscious’ human being to an ‘entrancing gentleman’. I feel emotionally overwhelmed when I look back on my journey. I still remember countless metro trips with no passengers around me when I continuously used to introspect about life, love and success. It has been a scary, long and toug... more
  • The Success Trail: Learn to Win with a Marathon Runner's Mindset

    by Jack Perconte
    It is no small task to make dreams come true. The Success Trail describes the achievement-journey through the marathon runner’s mindset to help anyone learn how to compete and succeed. The author specifies each step of the journey he used to reach baseball’s major leagues and finish fourteen marathons so others can reach their dreams. Discover what it takes to become a runner, athlete, winner, and hero. Being a runner will give you a healthy lifestyle and an identity to be proud of. Learning wha... more
  • The Unraveling: The Price of Silence

    by Meredith Keller
    The Unraveling, a story of redemption and courage, is one woman’s journey as she looks back and dredges up shattering memories from a campus rape and resulting pregnancy. It haunted her for 52 years as she fought for the dignity that was swiftly erased one night on a college campus in 1962. It is a parable for today ."When a letter arrived in my mailbox saying I think you might be my grandma, I threw the letter on the ground. Would I want to open up those old wounds so carefully hidden or 52 ye... more
  • The Island: A Mirror for the Soul

    by David Beatty
    As a photographer in war-torn Sri Lanka, travelling illegally into Tamil Tiger held territory, Beatty recalls the time before this brutal conflict when he stayed on a remote Buddhist hermitage island on the south coast. On a long retreat sharing the monks’ simple life he began a healing journey into the past. Part memoir, part travelogue, and part philosophical inquiry, this is a book of journeys, outwardly through the beauty and diversity of post- colonial landscapes, and inwardly through the... more
  • Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue

    by Mary E. Gregory
    Mary recounts her childhood with vivid and rich detail as it's turned upside down once her father's secret is out. Her mother's reaction to the news changes Mary and her siblings' lives forever. She'll take you on a ride through her coming of age that you won't want to miss.
