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  • How to Be Awkward

    by Amanda Turner
    From the New York Times bestselling author of This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store and Hair of the Corn Dog, Amanda Turner (previously writing as AK Turner) offers up a new collection of hilarity and embarrassment with How to Be Awkward. Disclaimer: This book is not intended for the super cool. If you begin every day by setting an intention while doing yoga on a paddleboard (and somehow not falling off), you’re out of my league. If you are even semi-fluent in the Urban Dictionary, there... more
  • Bits and Pieces: Moments from the Ambulance

    by Emily James
    From touching moments that make your day, to gut-wrenching feelings of hopelessness, the very worst that humanity has to offer, things that make you smile and things that make you vomit. The working life of a paramedic sees it all. Seldom do they experience the glitzy, life-saving flashes that the general public get fed on news bulletins or TV shows, although they do happen as well. Rarely will they complete a shift without one moment of despair, revulsion or loathing for another human ... more
  • Learning to be Human

    by Laurie Ann Butcher
    Living in the shadows isn’t the safest place to be… it’s where secrets are buried and predators lurk.. As the youngest child living within a dysfunctional family, I thought that anger, rivalry and hatred were the norm, that every family possessed dirty little secrets they hid from the world… like alcohol and drug addiction, mental and physical abuse, depression, schizophrenia and suicide. Surviving those dirty little secrets while running from the school bully was hard, but it was nothing in ... more
  • The Backpack Years

    by Stefanie Wilson & James Wilson

    Two memoirs intertwine in The Backpack Years, a dual-narrative memoir by a married couple, written in a novel-like style. The candid and funny account follows Stef and James, two adventurous, incident-prone young adults on a transcontinental journey of bad choices spanning six years and thirteen countries.The Backpack Years is a story that proves running from your mistakes isn't always the wrong answer.

  • The Monzelli Tales: True Stories of a Film Buff Gone Wild

    by John Gloske
    Steve Monzelli came to age in the 1970's, an era now considered the Silver Age of Hollywood. Monzelli met and became friends with many of the cinema icons of the era, including Steve McQueen, Richard Burton, Sam Peckinpah, Bette Davis and many others. He also appeared as an extra in a handful of big budget Hollywood films, mostly by sneaking onto the sets. Besides his obsessive love of movies he also had a great love for good vodka and prostitutes. These tales offer many hilarious and a few s... more
  • Freddy's Magic Garden

    by Angelina Dayan

    This book of cat stories (cat memoir) is told by Freddy, a tiny kitty who lives close to Paris. Born on waste ground, his start in life is challenging, and he almost dies from hunger with his little family. After several roller-coaster adventures, he is rescued and taken to his forever home. He meets strange animals, the Maine Coon cats, and makes other friends in the garden. Many have experienced incredible adversity and undergone terrible ordeals.

    Freddy narrates their stories and fil... more

  • Not Mary Not Roe: The Survival Story of a Reluctant Teen Mom

    by Leslie Hope Holthoff
    Holthoff recounts her surprise and unwanted pregnancy as a teen and how it shaped her subsequent marriage and divorce, all by the age of 26. She uses her story to propel the reader into the journey she took from a pregnant teenager to reclaiming and rebuilding her life to a successful entrepreneur.
  • The Lake Effect: A Lake Michigan Mosaic

    by Fred Carlisle
    “I stood ankle deep in Lake Michigan for the first time when I was two years old,” Fred Carlisle writes. His fascination with the lake began then and has continued throughout his life.  " The Lake Effect" is grounded in the author’s personal experiences but moves to wider considerations that include the aesthetic, emotional, historic, economic, and social effects of Lake Michigan.   The book captures the lake’s mesmerizing beauty in summer and winter. It also examines the way Lake Michi... more
  • Running Toward Life

    by John Trent
    When covering the 100-Mile Western States Endurance Run as a pace runner, journalist John Trent found himself running 38 miles after joining his friend Joe Baninburg at the 62-mile mark. That day would see temperatures soar to 104 degrees – still the hottest day ever recorded at the Western States Endurance Run – but it would also ignite his love for the ultrarunning sport and the life-affirming code of compassionate care these competitors live by. The mindset that helps ultrarunners commit to s... more
  • Deinstitutionalizing God: A Minister's Journey on Leaving Church to Save Her Faith

    by Dionne Yvette Brown

    DEINSTITUTIONALIZING GOD chronicles the author’s journey from early religious exposure to full faith formation and pursuing ministry as a vocation. This tell-all memoir is laced with humor, applied psychology, and theological reflection to produce a compelling account of maintaining faith when all around you contradicts it. Her first-hand account of experiencing sexual harassment, denial of ordination, and apathy in the church is cast against the backdrop of the universal story of striv... more

  • Becoming a Warrior

    by Catherine Hand
    Becoming A Warrior is the triumphant story of a shy 10 year old little girl with a dream who perseveres for 50 years to make that dream come true. Working in both politics and entertainment she learned lessons that gave her the courage and strength to navigate through personal tragedies and professional hurdles. This book is a treasure trove of wisdom and advice for anyone with a dream.
  • Way Too Fast: An American Reckoning

    by John J. Farmer, Jr.
  • She Had Been A Tomboy. Raising A Transgender Child, A Mother's Journey

    by Sandra Bowman
    Synopsis Prologue (Authors Note): I reveal that my oldest child, GRANT, is transgender. Forward: I relate my desire to be a better mother than my own mother. The Story: Grant is born premature. PARKER is born full-term. Family life is happy. Grant’s style of play is “all boy.” He shows exceptional intelligence. It is difficult for peers to relate to him. Teachers struggle as to where to place him academically. Grant refuses to bond with his father ROBERT. He clings to me. His suffers anxi... more
  • A Sky of Infinite Blue: A Japanese Immigrant's Search for Home and Self

    by Kyomi O'Connor
    From an early age, Kyomi’s life was filled with emotional difficulties—an adulterous father, an overreliant mother, and a dismissive extended family. In an effort to escape the darkness of her existence in Japan, Kyomi moved to the States in February 1990 to start a new life as a researcher working at NIH in Bethesda, MD. Soon, she fell in love with her husband-to-be: Patrick, a warm, charismatic British cancer researcher whose unconditional love and support helped her begin to heal the traumas ... more

    The author of ten books, Vladimir Tsesis dedicated this work to millions of women heroically fighting the aggressive metastatic breast cancer. Under the pen of the writer “the medical history” of his wife Marina, turned into an exciting chronicle of stoic resistance to a fatal ailment, filled with not only happy findings of the peaceful flow of everyday life, but also irreparable losses. Contrary to the forecasts of medical experts who predicted Marina’s inevitable death in a few months, she liv... more
  • To Venus and Back, One Man's Quest to Rediscover Love

    by Turner Grant
    TWO YEARS AFTER THE UNEXPECTED DEATH OF HIS WIFE, TURNER GRANT WAS READY TO CONSIDER LOVE ONCE MORE. YET EVERYTHING HAD CHANGED, AND HE SOON FOUND HIMSELF ADRIFT IN THE DIGITAL-DATING WORLD. At age fifty-one, Turner Grant became a widower and single parent to his twin boys. Deep in grief, he often found daily routines difficult and his work as an architect in Washington DC, arduous. But after two years, Turner embarked on a journey to find his future, both in life and love. What Turner d... more
