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  • The Merchant of Venus: The Life of Walter Thornton

    by Nancy Thornton Navarro and Adriana Thornton-Cornejo with Philip Mershon
    The Merchant of Venus offers a fascinating exploration into the extraordinary life of Walter Thornton, a figure whose influence surpassed conventional boundaries. Delving into the unforeseen ramifications of an iconic image linked to the 1929 Stock Market Crash, the narrative unveils Thornton as a pioneer in modeling, beauty, and advertising. He established the first agency for photographic advertising models, originated the Pinup phenomenon during WWII, and shaped future stars of the Golden Age... more
  • IT WAS HER NEW YORK: true stories and snapshots

    by C.O. MOED
    Through a mosaic of intimate photo-illustrated true-story vignettes, IT WAS HER NEW YORK tells the story of Florence, a pissed-off hurricane of an unwealthy lesbian and Juilliard-trained pianist stumbling into dementia on the Lower East Side, fighting all the way, as her youngest daughter juggles chainsaws to hold off the inevitable. Weaving through an urban maze of ERs, office cubicles, car rides, battered old parks and another viewing of Singing in the Rain, their story and the stories of the... more
  • Living Life without You: A Toxic-Forbidden-Love

    by Robert A Crothers
    It tells of a love torn apart by another serviceman with his lies about what happened to the protagonist in the story. They fell in love as teenagers but were torn apart by his consent and jealousy for her. To get away, he joined the military. After completing his last tour of duty, he returned home from Vietnam to begin life over but found it difficult to fit back in as everyone had changed their life. So, he decided to see if the one girl he loved was still available and found out that she had... more
  • Marginal Man: Life of Emilio Goggio

    by Paul Redvers Brown
    With a grandson’s heart and the mind of a scholar, Paul Brown takes us on a literary journey well worth traveling. Marginal Man is the story of Emilio Goggio who, as a young boy, boarded a ship from Italy to America. In Boston, he lived and worked with his father, who he had never previously met. He achieves the American dream, graduating from Harvard and eventually settling in Toronto to teach the Italian studies that he loves. Pride in his mother country, and enthusiasm for 1920s Fascism, left... more
  • Now I See: How God's Amazing Grace Transforms the Deepest Pain to Shining Joy

    by Janet Perez Eckles
    Even when the headlines foretell gloom and doom and personal suffering threatens to break you, yet, God’s promises speak of hope and glorious victory! Now I See will strengthen your resolve! Tragedy cannot stop you. Janet’s transition from being a sighted mother to complete blindness at the pivotal age of 30 proves you can rise above pre-conceived limitations. Grief cannot defeat you. Janet’s path to healing after the murder of her son proves that even loss is no match for God’s healing... more
  • Seaward: Chasing Master Mariners in the Golden Age of Sail

    by Harold Bradley
    Seaward casts new light on Great Britain’s nineteenth-century mercantile marine—especially as two master mariners from one Irish family experienced this incomparable career. The rediscovered stories of Harold Bradley’s great-great granduncles offer intriguing glimpses into two representative seafaring lives in the golden age of sail. The Kelly brothers plunged before the wind from Belfast and Liverpool to Australia, British Guiana, Canada, China, India, Peru, and the United States. They left wak... more
  • The Journal

    by Paul G Allman
    Based on a True Story - Travel - Adventure - Personal Discovery - Historical Insights: The Journal begins in the caves of Matala on the Island of Crete, made famous by Joni Mitchell's song Carey from her Blue album. My cave was three caves down from hers. The story details my quest to visit the churches of Lalibela in the Gondor region of Northern Ethiopia. I embarked alone on a journey up the Nile River and across the Nubian Desert to Khartoum. I faced unexpected challenges entering Ethiopi... more
  • Autism... A Mother's Story

    by Toni Hunt
    Autism is a life-long condition that affects how the brain works. It is not an illness and therefore cannot be ‘cured.’ Some may show traits but never be diagnosed as being autistic. Autism… A Mother’s Storyis a heartfelt account of a mother’s journey with her autistic son which spans almost 28 years and covers the huge ups and downs of this complex condition. This is a memoir that gives hope to those caring for anyone with autism or for anyone wanting to know more about the challenges that face... more
  • Daddy Bear Goes to War

    by Mary Page Greene
    At the peak of middle age, when you have many responsibilities and suddenly a distant threat arrives close to home and you feel called to help, how do you justify leaving your young family and sacrificing your thriving career for the greater good? How do you stay the course at every unexpected turn along the way? How do you keep a positive attitude during the devastation of war and simultaneously give encouragement with humor to your family left behind? After the mission is accomplished and many... more
  • Secret Son of a Legend

    by Mark Jennings
    I have only known since 2012, but I am the illegitimate child of Bobby Moore, the captain of the 1966 World Cup winning football team. I went from living an exceptionally happy and privileged childhood to one of detachment, hurt, and misery. My world was completely turned upside down and I deeply missed my former life and my family. I made the most of my life by focusing energy and attention on my education and the sports in which I participated, which helped me relieve the tension. I enjoyed my... more
  • Take Me Home

    by Gary M. Crist
    Take Me Home is a collection of short stories based on the author’s experiences as a sports-loving boy growing up in Indiana in the 60s and as a practicing attorney in Florida. Each story presents vivid local colors and memorable characters. Many present-life passages are to be navigated and moral questions are to be pondered. Take Me Home is a light but worthwhile read that you will want to pass along to your family and recommend to your friends.
  • The Idling Bulldozer and Other Paddling Adventures

    by Donald D. Yackel
    This book contains ten paddling adventure stories that take place in locations across the US and Canada. In each location, the author is surrounded by nature offering whatever conditions the natural world presents. Sometimes they are beautiful, offering deep transcendent moments, but at other times the author is cold, wet, frightened, or driven mad by swarms of bugs. These trials are the dues paid to experience a glorious sunrise over a salt marsh, or to watch manatees playing in the shallows, o... more
  • Memories of “A Kid from the Heights”

    by Don Moore
    As the years go by and each step I take brings me closer to the end of my journey, coupled with the advent of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, I started reconnecting with many childhood friends via social media. The past two years of isolation brought the realization that this unique era we shared in a remote village during the 50s and 60s will never be available again to future generations, and that generations born after the 50s and 60s lose the likelihood of ever having an opportunity ... more
  • Pretty Wrecked: Confessions of a Teen Addict and Her Road to Recovery

    by Tracy Viola
    Going numb was her only choice... In this captivating memoir, one woman's journey unfolds - from the darkest depths of teenage abuse and addiction to the heights of personal and professional success. Her brave and vivid narrative, skillfully blending laughter and tears, reveals the enduring beauty that can emerge from life's darkest moments. Marked by scars and illuminated by triumphs, this is a gripping read for anyone who has faced adversity, dared to hope, and believes in the boundless power... more
  • Buddy's War: A World War II Medic's Journey and the Power of Family

    by Barry Lehman
    Follow the author as he takes an extraordinary journey through the hidden chapters of his family history , intertwined with the monumental events of World War II. Through vivid storytelling, personal reflection, and meticulous research, the author offers a profound exploration of love, loss, and the unbreakable bonds that connect generations. Buddy’s War is a rich blend of personal reflection, historical context, and poignant revelations. This becomes a powerful testament to the enduring powe... more
  • If Cancer is a Gift, Can I Return It?

    by Agalia Baker MSN, FNP-BC-Ret
    Agalia Baker is a retired advance practice nurse with over 40 years in nursing. Despite all her knowledge and experience, she was an incredibly unprepared patient when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Searching for solace from the emotional hell she endured and unable to find answers, she decided to write the book she needed at the time. The result is an irreverent blend of health care provider information and a glimpse through her eyes as she lived it. If Cancer is a Gift, Can I Return It?... more
