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  • Too Sweet To Die

    by T Doyle
    Charlie Sanders, a happily married empty-nester has it all; sciatica, myopia, and a dead body on her LaZBoy. Charlie, a geriatric nurse, uses her patients’ help and investigates the suspicious death of her tenant, But then she uncovers an adoption scandal that turns her town against her and makes her the killer’s next target.
  • Murder at the Met

    by E. W. Cooper

    There are two things Penelope Harris would rather do than get involved with another murder—sing opera and flirt with Thom Lund. When two tickets ensure Penelope and Thom get some precious time together at the Metropolitan opera, neither believes another murder will interrupt their romantic evening. As Penelope pulls back the cover on a diabolical murder, Lund rushes to complete the investigation of a suicide on the Gold Coast of Long Island. What they find will uncover the sordid underb... more

  • Vestige

    by Monique Gliozzi
    Dr Maxwell Stein, a seasoned child psychologist practicing in New York, is about to head off on vacation, when the past comes back to haunt him. A visit by a former patient, now a mysterious adult, takes him by surprise to deliver a priceless gift. Her simple message, sets the wheels of his conscious and subconscious mind in motion till he is on the verge of derailing. His family, concerned and frightened by his changing attitudes, feels helpless. Is Max bordering on insanity or is there still h... more
  • Reviews

    by T W Lawless

    Jack Furey is a decent man caught up in an indecent time.

    Retired police sergeant Jack Furey is celebrating his 100th birthday, and he’s not happy about it. Unable to speak following a stroke and estranged from his son, all he wants is to reunite with his beloved, late wife.

    After a visit from an old friend, he finds himself reliving the past. Suddenly, it’s 1942 and the US troops are about to descend on the town of Wangamba, Australia, where Jack is expected to mainta... more

  • Slips of Yew: A Dez Duchiene Mystery, Book 1

    by Carol Shay Hornung
    When a conservative politician is murdered in liberal Madison, Wisconsin, Dez Duchiene investigates and risks losing the man he loves.
  • Will You Still Love Me if I Become Someone Else?

    by Jotham Austin, II

    What if you had the memories of 110 people stuffed into your brain? How would you know who you really are?

    The passengers of flight 2164 all lose their memories except Brian; he not only maintains his own memories, but gains everyone else’s that was on the plane.

    Brian begins remembering the other passenger’s lives, and soon finds himself unable to separate his memories from theirs. Intense flashbacks, disjointed personalities and often violent outburs... more

  • The Recurring Mortality of Declan Darby

    by Chris Cavanagh
    It wasn’t supposed to end like this. But then he saved the wrong life. Can a cat burglar undo the Apocalypse? Declan Darby lives in fear of human touch. Unnerved that skin-to-skin contact with another person shows him how they die, the talented thief limits his interactions to his partner and the woman he secretly loves. But when he makes the horrible mistake of saving a stranger’s life, he discovers he’s changed the future and now everyone is going to perish. Pursued by a relentless assassi... more
  • No child of mine

    by Olga Gibbs
    In tone with the acclaimed works of George Orwell and drawing on my personal experience of growing up in Soviet Russia, this is a story of a father’s journey to save his child from a totalitarian regime, who is in order to bury the truth prepared to exterminate an entire generation.
  • Oo-roo

    by Michael Barrett Miller
    Oo-roo is an Aboriginal word meaning "See you." "...The specter of restored passport control checkpoints and customs at the border with Northern Ireland is contemplated with horror by people here who remember the delays and inefficiencies that the border used to cause in the old days..." From a speech delivered by a Member of the Dáil. Brexit is rapidly changing traditional European relationships. In the middle of these swirling seas, Jack and Mick are tasked with investigating the security of... more
  • Land's End: To Save the Realm 2

    by T. B. Crattie
    The time is 1964, the place is swinging England. Southern boy and WWII vet Brock Coole has been summoned (well, kidnapped actually) to England by Sir Alfred St. John Sherbourne, a shadowy figure operating out of the British Museum. Brock's old comrade, Lord Jack Torbryan, has teamed with a rogue druid named Cathbad to commit a series of high profile assassinations. These assassinations, however, are meant to distract from Cathbad's greater, far more weighty intentions. After being deposited in N... more
  • Mantis

    by Steve Zell

    In 1968 Los Angeles, Investigative Reporter Deanne Mulhenney and Medical Examiner Sara Poole, risk their lives in a dangerous attempt to bring a brutal murderer to justice. Mob wars, politics and a thriving drug trade have produced an assassin like no other. Evidence suggests the killer is female - a woman with terrifying skills...and tastes.

  • Red Romance

    by Timberly Price

    Falling in love with a serial killer is normal, right?

    Layla Fabian is just your average teenage girl living every teenage girl’s nightmare: being the new kid. Far from her friends and the life she once knew, Layla struggles to find her footing in the unforgiving landscape of high school. The only thing that relieves some of the pressure is the attention of the mysterious and brooding neighbor next door--a man who’s caught her eye. Despite the rumors, both i... more


    by Elizabeth Boles
    The blackmail letter reads, I know what you’ve done. Court Lane has worked hard to create her fairytale life—loving and trusting husband, well-adjusted kids, safe neighborhood. So when the letter arrives at her doorstep, the message is clear—pay up or have your world destroyed. With nowhere to turn, Court succumbs to the blackmailer’s demands. But she can’t forget about the letter. It haunts her. A girls’ trip offers the perfect distraction. She and her three closest friends head to a ... more
  • The Reason for Time

    by Deborah Court
    Maggie Dunn, Alison Budge and Wolfe Corbyn arrive in Toronto on the same flight from London. Sullen but feisty Alison is running from her troubled past in Scotland, hoping to make a new beginning. Wolfe has been banished for crimes he committed at his father's London bank. Maggie is coming home, to confront her past, reclaim her life and perhaps finally, to stop running. The three team up, and their fresh start begins well. But Maggie's health is failing. She is sick and confused. Could her thi... more
  • 17 Marigold Lane

    by R.M. Gilmore

    After discovering the lump in her bicep is deadly, 17-year-old self-proclaimed loser, Prudence Penderhaus, weaves the tale of Flintlock, a small town known for Friday night football, rainy days, and recently, secrets.

    Her dry humor, and undying affinity for film, books, and music, meld into a quirky, Burton-esque backdrop of cloudy skies and looming architecture.

    When a moment of long-awaited courage brings her to the porch of the town's "spook house", unco... more

  • Ending Samsara

    by J W Voyce
    MARCUS cultivates and sells cannabis and psychedelic mushrooms. Heading to see GAZ, a regular client, he suspects he’s being followed. After making it into the wealthy customer’s apartment, two men force their way in and Marcus hides in a secret panic room. Via security cameras, he’s forced to watch the men lynch Gaz from his own light fitting in a staged suicide. Terrified, and certain he led the men there, Marcus escapes via the roof. He convinces his partner TILD that they should flee their h... more
