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  • Undoing Time

    by Rachel Dacus
    Can a jilted rich girl find her purpose on a time travel mission to save history? She’s ready to try, as long as love isn’t part of the picture. When heiress Olivia Pomeroy’s fiancé runs off with her maid of honor, Liv swears off romance forever. To escape, she accepts an invitation to help her cousin raise funds for an art museum in Florence, Italy. What Liv doesn’t know is that she and her cousin May share a genetic talent for undoing time. Liv soon finds herself on a quest to save her coun... more
  • Kal's Quandary

    by Aaron Frale

    The number one space pirate in the galaxy…

    …discovers she is the only one who can save it from utter decimation.

    After stealing the most advanced Teristaque ship, Kal and her crew are pursued by an armada across the galaxy. Despite burning through space in the fastest vessel in the quadrant, there are too many factions after her to avoid them all.

    Another spacecraft gets the drop on her. It’s Makiuarnek, the man who slaughtered her villa... more

  • Kal's Fate

    by Aaron Frale

    An innocent girl with a mysterious father…

    … finds herself a fugitive on the galaxy’s most wanted list.

    Considered too fragile, Kal is forbidden to join the raising of the Et’Tal’s home and feels as if she has shamed her family. Her lithe stature links her to her absent father. He left the village to fight in the Teristaque Wars and never returned.

    She meets Sarge, a strange star species called Human, who seems to know the se... more

  • Dystopia's Edge

    by Ian Price
    The year is 2121. The world has changed a lot, but in ways that you’d probably expect. I thought I put my hitman days behind me. Turns out that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m Benjamin Edge, mercenary for hire. Running guns, carrying out hits, I’ve done it all. When you grow up as a child soldier fighting for one city-state against another in the crumbling ruins of a fallen civilization, killing becomes second nature. This newest job seems a breeze, though. Smuggling lab equipme... more
  • Flotsam

    by R J Theodore
    Captain Talis just wants to keep her airship crew from starving, and maybe scrape up enough cash for some badly needed repairs. When an anonymous client offers a small fortune to root through a pile of atmospheric wreckage, it seems like an easy payday. The job yields an ancient ring, a forbidden secret, and a host of deadly enemies. Now on the run from cultists with powerful allies, Talis needs to unload the ring as quickly as possible. Her desperate search for a buyer and the fallout from h... more
  • Hettie and the Ghost

    by Becca De La Rosa
  • Dragonsown

    by Erika Leigh Agnew
    An ancient kingdom once ravaged by war against dragons is rebuilt from ruin by four prominent families. Descended from two of these families is Kael of Renwick, a young man terrified he might be dying. The crippling pains in his head and stomach have become a regular occurrence. Waking in the passages underneath his father’s castle, Kael discovers he is sleepwalking and fears where he might awaken next. Every day, there are new and stranger incidents. Hallucinating, Kael believes a dark creature... more
  • Nightshade's Requiem

    by Anthony Hains
    Before she died, Cole Nightshade’s grandmother taught him how to keep his demons from coming out of their hiding places and wreaking havoc. But none of Nana’s lessons have prepared him for Saint Edwards Mental Asylum, where he’s landed after a foster-care placement gone wrong. Saint Edwards has a history of abuse and death that makes itself known to Cole in alarming ways. Walls containing the spirits of prior inmates scream in agony. Young women who once ran from monsters, or from their own pain... more
  • The Warrior With Broken Wings

    by Thorsten Brandl

    Sometimes the most dangerous thing in the universe is a man with nothing left to lose...

    Thomas Knight is a professional photographer struggling to cope with the tragic death of his wife. Drawn into the heart of an ancient prophecy involving a legendary sword and a mysterious vintage camera, he suddenly finds himself transported to a medieval world beyond his imagination.

    The last of the Verðldian kingdoms is about to be destroyed by an unspeakable evil, and i... more

  • The Little Fairleaf

    by Jeremy Forsyth
    The Fairleafs are a humble family on the rise, and its senior members showcase their ambition by formulating a daring plan to get the attention of Alepion's royalty. Trone and Eldrian Fairleaf are two young brothers who play at war but who are suddenly thrust into their parents' game of high stakes and fatal mistakes; theirs is the task of befriending the two Daughters of Alepion. But while the brothers pursue the young sisters, other plots have hatched in the night, and the Old Way are cr... more
  • Cirque

    by Brooklynn Langston
    Five teenagers, Drew, Zoe, Jordan, Lilly, and Michael, all complete strangers, die and wake up in a circus tent. After meeting the whimsical ringleader, R.L, they are marked with a tattoo symbolizing the circus act they were meant to master. Come along on this mystical journey to see how their lives are forever changed by a cloud of glittery red smoke, a bright smile, and three simple words: “Welcome to Cirque.” “With pain, you can either thrive or die.” R.L.
  • Rise of the Ravenisha

    by P. Grace Lawson
    Rise of the Ravenisha: A Fantasy Fiction Novel On Freeing Yourself From Bondage And Coming Into Your Own Power A wonderfully woven, speculative fiction novel about werepanthers, warrior women, and revenge. Warrior women. Ancient power struggles. Corrupt experiments. Queen Idia sold her friends and fellow warriors into slavery for nefarious reasons, an ancient tribe of African warrior women known collectively as the Ravenisha. Hundreds of years later, the Old-Generation Ravenisha ant... more
  • Cause An Otter Told Me!

    by Scott Karlson
    Mother Earth is in grave danger and the leaders of the United Animal Kingdom must decide how they will help. Join their quest to help save Mother Nature, the Earth itself, and make the dream come true while experiencing a magical ebook adventure to a very secret place.
  • Gateworlds Earth - Athanator - Book 1

    by Gillbert Troll
    A few years back, an ancient portal (Multiverse Gate Earth) was found in the jungles of Guatemala. The Gate once found was opened, and every sentient creature on Earth was randomly soul-joined with another creature within the multiverse. Once the Gate was opened, chaos ensued. Riots started, smaller and larger wars were fought. Now, after twenty years, order has been restored, and life has returned to a new normal. John Zelm Athanator, the protagonist of the book and the veteran of the wars... more
  • Friends for Robots

    by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor
    In this upbeat, positive collection of SFF short stories from Merc Fenn Wolfmoor, author of So You Want to Be A Robot, you'll find hope, humor, friendship—and of course, robots. Have you heard the one about… ...a neural network who wants humans to drink more water? ...a person stranded on Mars with only an obsolete robotic toy? ...a cyborg caught in a time loop with a frightened ship? ...a self-aware mech who doesn't want to be a weapon anymore? AI sent into the deepest part of the... more
  • Myracles In the Void

    by Wes Dyson
    Welcome to Hop. It’s dirty, it’s wet, and everyone feels sort of stuck there. They are, in fact. It’s a floating port buffeted by dangerous currents. Gai and Lynd Izz are brother and sister, and their father is one of the only people known to have escaped Hop five years ago. Things tend to break around Lynd as if by magic, especially when she’s angry or upset. Gai is good at fixing the things Lynd breaks, but what he really wants to fix is Lynd. Just when Lynd thinks she’s found a way to find... more
