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  • A Battle For Tomorrow

    by Matt Simons
    Drafted into a world war that no country can win, young Jason is forced to witness the worst of humanity as everyone around him dies before he is thrown back in time by an explosion that kills him. Seemingly trapped in childhood with memories of a hopeless future haunting him, can Jason find a way to stop the war and save millions of lives if no one believes him? See firsthand how trauma changes a person, how quickly a good person can become a violent killer. This is Jason’s story.
  • Surviving Eros

    by Philip Carlisle
    Book I : The Paradox of Jayne Le Faye is a cerebral, dual-world, fantasy adventure that combines two popular methods of re-making a character’s reality; magic and the mind. In this case, both are broken. A brilliant college girl holds the magic. A young soldier wakes from a coma with the broken mind. The twist comes when the girl breaks the rules of her own to aid the wounded soldier with a spell she's not permitted to do yet. It weaves beyond her control and traps his mind within ... more
  • Three Rivers Plague

    by Zachary Forbes
    After escaping the fallout of a bioweapon, famous musician Thomas Wylde is brought to an air shelter outside of Pittsburgh with other important people, including the Pennsylvania governor. One of Thomas' bandmates falls victim to the infection, and the governor gives him an ultimatum: have his friend executed to protect the other passengers, or abandon shelter to find a lost outpost that was working on a cure. Struggling with addiction and fighting for his friend's life, Thomas must face the hor... more
  • Mr. Daisy: A Low Fantasy Slice of Life Novel

    by M. Vattic

    Quincy Daisy is impossibly strong, incredibly large, and a seasoned substitute teacher. His closest friend is a cosmic entity that takes the form of a flower on his head. Together, they travel the world, teaching others to love themselves and one another.

    He has arrived at Blue Diamond Elementary in the East Coast city of Almond Bay, where he will teach for an entire school year. In this city, he will be challenged by an odd assortment of colorful characters, including a trio of kinderg... more

  • The True Story of the Komodo Dragon

    by Sébastien Bourbeau
    The experimental fiction novel The True Story of the Komodo Dragon follows a young creature on his jaunty, playful quest toward self-discovery. Written by a young author (, Sébastien Bourbeau will inspire children everywhere. The book is tailored for grade 4 - 6 students, and a teacher's classroom resource PDF file can be downloaded from the website Teachers' page: ( Visit the website for more information and for reviews b... more
  • Human

    by Antionette van der Gryp

    Holding back the Gader horde has been the priority of every able-bodied person on Earth for the past 80 years …

    But after a decade Vin Montgomery returns home and she has vengeance on her mind …

    Her body has been advanced …

    Her rebels are in place …

    The only thing standing in her way is her estranged husband, General Matthew Washington …

    But if she is careful, she is sure she could bring him over to her ... more

  • In Ora: The Land of the Superior

    by Sotto Voce
    In a world divided between the superior and the bereft, a desperate man must find a way to save someone he cares about. But what sacrifice does he have to make? Luke thought he’d found purpose again. After years of heartache and a devastating loss, his companionship with the strong-willed Ruyi gave him a reason to cherish life, even in a home plagued with poverty and disease, the Origin. But when he learns about Ruyi’s life-threatening and mysterious disease, Luke is prepared to seek help in ... more
  • Luna

    by David Thomas

    "One day, Earth's cities failed to shine and a silence fell over our corner of the cosmos... and that is when our peace died."

    Adam is like any other seventeen year old. He has dreams, hopes and fears.
    However, Adam's birth marked another giant leap for mankind.

    One day, his entire world begins to slip away.
    One day, he and those closest to him are faced with impossible life-or-death decisions... and time is rapidly running out.

    This is his s... more

  • The Evil That Men Love

    by Aaron J Clarke
    Jealousy, shame, lust… A maelstrom of emotions stirs in this passionate novella, a tale following a young boy in a small town who is doomed to follow in the footsteps of his father. Sinister betrayal. Defying death for love. The Bloofer Man will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and he always gets his way.
  • As & When: Book 2 of The E Apocrypha

    by Alex Andre
    They’ve messed with the wrong woman. Aileen’s got a city to run—its shady part, in any case. Abducted and whisked away from Locksville, she refuses to be a pawn in powerful players’ games. She most definitely is not a damsel in distress and needs no freakin knights in shining armor to come to her rescue. Alas, her best-laid escape plans misfire, landing her in even hotter waters far away from home. Aileen must find her footing in an unfamiliar, unforgiving society, fighting tooth and nail to sur... more
  • Oceans of Sand

    by Jessica Flory
    One girl. Her boat. An ocean of sand to cross. Norah’s desert world has always been treacherous, with the roiling ocean of sand, giant scorpions, and brutal sandstorms—but now an unnatural famine plagues the desert nations and threatens to destroy all. Despite being the only one in her village without a sand gift, Norah is chosen with her best friend, Zadock, to sail across the ocean of sand in search of the legendary moonstone, an artifact that could end the famine. As Norah and Zadock se... more
  • Ignore the Dead: an existential horror

    by Jay Sizemore
    IGNORE THE DEAD. In Clarkson, Kentucky, Richard Chandler gets diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Just five years after losing his wife to the disease. He contemplates ending it all. His suicide attempt is interrupted by a call from a mysterious stranger. What the stranger offers is a way to cheat death, all he has to do is give his cancer away to other people. And ignore the dead. What transpires is a story of terror, one that delves into the existential dread lurking beneath human mortalit... more
  • Arctic Druid

    by Stephen Reeves
    Twelve-year-old Eamon returns home from his first solo hunting expedition hoping to have earned his rite of passage into adulthood and full status as a hunter. Disqualified by a technicality, Eamon is left searching for his place in the village. When a mysterious darkness appears, threatening the village, he sets off to find the Druid, a magician powerful enough to rid the land of the danger. As he journeys through the Barren Plains and Do’gorym Sea, Eamon finds companions to help him on his que... more
  • The Woodcutter

    by Stephanie Ellis
    A tragic accident, shrouded in mystery, leads to a family reunion in the hidden village of Little Hatchet, located in the smothering shadow of GodBeGone Wood, the home of the mythical Woodcutter and Grandma. Alec Eades rediscovers his bond with GodBeGone Wood and the future his father agreed to years ago as nefarious landowner Oliver Hayward schemes to raise money for the village by re-enacting part of the Woodcutter legend. Old wounds are re-opened and ties of blood and friendship are tested to... more
  • The Book of Power

    by Charles Quince
    My novella The Book of Power is an epic, 40,839-word supernatural thriller featuring Hope Bankston, an ambitious but inefficient financial investment manager who must decide if achieving her greatest desires is worth the price of losing her soul. Hope has fulfilled her dream of working for a prosperous investment firm. However, there’s one caveat: her inability to do the job. Her situation would be hopeless if not for a beacon of light in the form of a magical book that she received as a gif... more
  • The Sylver Platter

    by J.B. Fitzgerald
    Uncommonly courteous and resolutely nonviolent, Sylvia Platt’s intelligence and creativity open the door to countless successful pursuits. The general populace would likely agree: vigilantism is not among them. When violent crime invades her island home, jeopardizing the lives of those she holds most dear, this ultra-curvy introvert must summon the strength and courage to transform into the one persona she’d never believed in yet unwittingly harbored all along. Sylvia Platt must become…a hero... more
