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  • Brief First Encounter

    by Thomas Miezejeski
    A Quantum Leap in Science Fiction A ground breaking exploration of what happens when humanity faces its first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence presented in a manner that challenges conventions and engages readers with its ingenuity. Its departure from convention is a hallmark of the innovation that offers readers a fresh perspective on speculative storytelling. The book is a thought experiment that discusses how humanity might handle contact with extraterrestrial beings and is c... more
  • Future Time Statues

    by Robert F. Morgan
    Time statues from psychologist Robert F. Morgan encompassing key experienced events from the last eight decades followed by speculative experiences on the next decades to come.
  • Orcs in Portland and Other Social Justice Issues

    by Aaron Frale
    Orcs invading Portland, a wolf in the janitor’s closet, black ooze dissolving the gym teacher: a typical day for the students of Beaverton High and their fearless teaching assistant. Petra thought working for her old high school was the worst thing that could happen to her until a magical disease infects her son. Meanwhile the Barbarians Breakfast Club faces creatures invading their high school and murdering their classmates and principal. Okay, so maybe the latter isn’t that bad. The p... more
  • My Three-Year-Old is a Barbarian and Other Parenting Problems

    by Aaron Frale
    Necromantic rituals, murderous ogres, battle-scarred rangers: not a typical Saturday detention for unsuspecting teaching assistant, Petra, and her delinquent teen charges. The Beaverton High School Breakfast Club show up for what they thought would be cleaning the locker room with a toothbrush when the morning goes horribly wrong, and they fall victim to a deadly, dark spell. Some jerkwad moon mage shoves the consciousness of Petra’s three-year-old into the body of a musclebound barbarian,... more
  • The Gladiator Journalist and Other Murderous Flora

    by Aaron Frale
    Making bills and earnin’ like a baller with l33tskillz4va’s crypto fast cash is not what happens in this book! But there are killer trees and bloody arena battles. What more could you want? Except sex. That happens too. It also resolves plot points like certain characters stuck in a painting and what's Petra’s mom doin’ at that volcano, yo! I mean I guess there’s stuff like personal character growth and human connection and all that warm, squishy stuff. But did I mention sex that hap... more
  • Occasional Alice's

    by Fred Bickham
    Tech-wiz Sayers Beck gets recruited by a beautiful but quirky AI hologram named Autumn to help wheelchair-bound Alice Dorn keep her second-hand thrift shop open. But Sayers' boss Brian Arceneaux has other heinous plans for Autumn. Can the tech-dude save this conscientious chat-bot from being turned into a killing machine?
  • The 5 Moons of Tiiana (Special Illustrated Edition)

    by PT Harry
    Captain Rez Cantor faces an unimaginable crisis. His daring rescue of the Princess of Melela from the clutches of the alien-hybrid Relcor should have been a triumph. Instead, an unforeseen catastrophe leaves him stranded and injured, 125,000 light years from home, on an alien moon, with no memory of how he arrived. To make matters worse, a deadly alien cloud looms overhead, threatening his life…

    by Jamie Eubanks
    A camping trip goes awry when a young woman is lured from her tent in an isolated region of the Vermont mountains. A private aircraft disappears off radar. A teenager and a wildlife photographer make the list of those who have gone missing without a trace. The one commonality is the location: an area of the Vermont wilderness where a mysterious military experiment is underway. Miles away, Donovan Sinclair receives an anonymous phone with an ominous warning: the lives of his ex-wife and son... more
  • The Secret Realm Gaia School of Awakening

    by E.O. Worth
    Secret Twin Realms. Three teens. One street-smart boy, one Irish girl on a mission to save the earth, and one feisty farm girl. The fate of two realms rests in their hands Rocked by a herculean hurricane three friends, TJ, Andréa, and Cora, get transported to a secret realm of lore known as Alpha. And if they ever want to return to life as they knew it, they’ll have to fulfill a secret prophecy. Reluctant but willing, they attend Gaia School of Awakening a mythical academy where humans are cons... more
  • City In My Hands

    by Thomas More
    In the heart of Mannahatta, a remarkable heroine emerges. Sakima Tamanend is no ordinary hero; she is a force of nature, empowered by the ancient spirits of the Lenape. Sakima's awe-inspiring legacy and unwavering strength make her a fierce warrior, inspiring a new generation of young girls to embrace their ancestral power. Yet, darkness looms over the city as an insidious interdimensional threat descends upon her people. Sakima must rise to new heights of strength and courage as her world cr... more
  • City At My Feet

    by Thomas More
    Step into Mannahatta, a vibrant parallel world where legends whisper truth and spirits guide the brave. Sakima Tamanend, a fiery soul yearning for warriorhood, stumbles upon a chilling secret: her brother-in-law has unleashed a mythical terror upon the Land Below, the concrete jungle we call New York City. Driven by unwavering love and fierce spirit, Sakima plunges through the portal, leaving behind all she knows. In this strange new world, she'll confront towering monsters, forge unlikely al... more
  • Send Me Your Nightmares

    by Robert Kluver
    Sixty-three-year-old Los Angeles stoner, Hank Wallace, is just trying to get by and get high when he takes a gig distributing ads for a local company. But the job quickly turns into more than it seems. Hank begins hearing voices and experiencing strange visions while passing out the ads. Before he knows it, he’s fallen prey to his employer, a demon from another world. Possessed by the demon, Hank absorbs nightmares from others living in his corner of LA. He becomes a conduit that feeds anxiet... more
  • The Citadel

    by Frank Dravis

    The Citadel, a bastion on the protected planet of Dianis, is the third novel in the Dianis, A World In Turmoil chronicles. Achelous, the architect and orchestrator of the planet's defense against extrasolars, has been abducted by the Paleowrights, a powerful religious order. Chained, tortured, and carried off to the Empire of Nak Drakas, Achelous’s fate is unknown.

    After the mayhem and outrage of Achelous's kidnapping, Marisa, his mistress and a trader princess, embarks on... more

  • Remember Pompeii

    by Kika Emers
    A powerful teenager resists coming of age through multiple reincarnations for reasons that she keeps secret from those she loves.
  • The Unexpected Queen

    by A.R. Kaufer

    The woman with the heart of gold

    Nineteen-year-old Sera lives a simple life on Isle Piscantur. She serves the Dahvaene estate, running the day-to-day affairs of the household, overseeing the orchard harvest, and handling the produce stall at the market. Sera answers to the mistress, Rae'lin, who spends her days caring for her bedridden husband and ill son.

    The stranger with the perfect smile

    When Dankin arrives on the i... more

  • The New Rules of Time Travel: 1938 The Deceiver

    by Vincent deDiego Metzo
    Welcome to the second book in the New Rules of Time Travel series: 1938 The Deceiver. Amidst the backdrop of 1938's tumultuous world stage, where the Empire State Building becomes the unlikely anchor for international dirigibles and the specter of war looms near, our protagonist, Sarah Williams, finds herself entangled in a clandestine battle that spans the ages. Haunted by memories and driven by a quest for justice, Sarah's journey transcends mere vengeance. Her path is one of profound tr... more
