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    by Hari Hyde
    Creation’s climactic contest: Liberty versus Tyranny. And a funny, fantastical fable that reinvents the genre of political parody . . . Our Other is Book Two of The Honeygate Chronicles. Fresh from his frolics in Our Brain, Hennie Honeygate tumbles into the exYou and finds the Nags engaged in a macabre mission―the eradication of the twin evils of cancer and communism. Hennie accepts a grave assignment: find Verendrye, the missing Worde Witch. Hennie and the Nags face doom in chaotic combat w... more
  • Blackmoore (Book One in The Blackmoore Legacy)

    by Marcus James
    Welcome to South Hill, a neighborhood of wealth, secrets, gracious Victorians, and austere manor homes overlooking the port of Fairhaven and the dark waters of Bellingham Bay. Seventeen year old Trevor Blackmoore has lived here is entire life, shunned and feared, along with the rest of his clan, by the elitist and superstitious families that surround them and who regard the Blackmoores as the devil's concubines. As a young clairvoyant-medium dealing not only with the dark secrets of his family ... more
  • Onero's Hunt: A Dystopian Sea Adventure

    by J. R. Devoe

    In a decimated world, two Antarctic nations wage war over food. Their only hope: a seed vault in the Arctic, and an outcast who must cross the ravaged world to reach it.

    Toris Onero spends his time illegally scavenging wrecks for the black market, hoping to earn enough money to buy his sister a seat at the Academy. Struggling to get by in the remains of an iceless Antarctic, life is tough and every day could be his last.

    When widespread crop failures spark a bruta... more

  • Open House

    by Nico Bell
    Realtor Caleb Birch is on the precipice of earning everything he’s ever dreamed: a partner position at his prestigious realty firm, financial stability that would make his mother proud, and a respectable professional reputation amongst Los Angeles’s wealthy and elite. All he has to do is nail his open house and secure a contract. Enter a mysterious woman with an air of familiarity claiming to be the perfect buyer. Her ruse dissolves revealing nefarious intentions and a twisted game that Caleb mu... more
  • Dead Weight (Magic, Mayhem, and the Law in Precinct #153 Book 1)

    by G.P. Robbins
    Newly promoted Detective Jace Smithson has his hands full with solving the murders of ten men and the kidnapping of a unicorn capable of producing diamonds. On the surface, the crime appears to be a classic tale of greed and violence, but digging deeper reveals something sinister has come to Cauldron City. Securing the safety and security of those he swore to protect is only the beginning of Jace’s problems. Add in his relationship with the dragons of Cauldron City along with a few personal s... more
  • Scourge: Triskellion Book One by Rodney McWilliams

    by Chick Lit Café - Book Reviews, Promotions & Author Spotlights
    Some fear the dark. Others embrace it. Rookie detective Angela Benson and her partner, Joe Anderson, have discovered a group of killers targeting the homeless of New York City. Desperate to prove her worth, Angela knows identifying the perpetrators of these heinous crimes is her best shot at earning the right to be called one of the city's finest. As the murders move beyond the homeless, Angela and Joe begin to unravel an ancient mystery, revealing there's more to these killers than meets ... more
  • Daughter of Lazarus

    by Juniper Arden
    Wise goddess Dimity could not be more different from her fiery sister, Jedda, so it comes as no surprise that neither can agree on what should be done with the fate of planet Earth. While Jedda opts for nixing the planet altogether, Dimity believes that if given more time, goodness will prevail and the Earthlings will stand a chance of joining the Alliance. To prove how devoted they are to their beliefs, Jedda and Dimity agree to a crafty solution: Their father, Lazarus, permits the goddesses... more
  • The Sins of Kings

    by Daniel Thomas Valente

    “A gripping fantasy set in a beautiful world of castles, tournaments and magic. The Sins of Kings will pull you in from the very first page!” ––Kate Sorenson, author of No Coding with Kate


    “Suspenseful read that will keep you turning the pages” ––Silvia Villalobos, author of Stranger of Friend



    Gardens of the Moon meets The Blade Itself in this... more

  • Inferior: An Enterex novel

    by Mary Price
    In the country of Eriel, magic is illegal, and monsters are banished to Deswela. A young 16-year-old Sebastian Miller has a burning question. What do you do if there is a significant plot hole in your history books? The reason why the Humans won the war is unclear. Finding the answer alone is more complex than he could ever imagine. Discovery and danger surround him. As friendships are born and broken, Sebastian can’t find his confidence and his inferiority complex grows.
  • A Mission of Mercy

    by Zachris of Hillsend
    Low fantasy with mystery elements. Main character first person narrative strictly enforced. Secondary character a mentor figure that turns into a friend Part 1: setting out -Main characters meet -A fight with goblins -Preparation for journey, bonding Part 2: journey through wilderness - Being hunted - Fighting - Meeting unnatural elements of the world - River journey Part 3: separated in a hostile stronghold - Breaching stronghold alone - Exploring stronghold - Social engineering ... more
  • Search for the Lost Crystals

    by Joanne Lecuyer
    Jenkins has spent countless hours searching the internet for an awesome new video game. When he stumbles upon the Search for the Lost Crystals, he meets a woodland elf named Auradel who takes him on a quest that will test his courage and skills, and change his life forever!
  • My Friend Merllin

    by Joanne Lecuyer
    There is a great legend that has been passed down through generations about two young boys who would change history. One was destined to become a great king. The other was a druid, and his guide, mentor and friend. This is the tale of the meeting of Arthur and Merlin and how they changed the fate of magic.
  • Shanlia and the Magic Pixie Dust

    by Joanne Lecuyer
    An inch berry fairy named Shanlia finds a pouch of magic pixie dust. Her best friend Arabelle urges her not to open it, but Shanlia’s curiosity gets the better of her. Once the pixie dust is freed, it releases a powerful magic spell that has a strange effect on Shanlia. Hoping for help to break the spell, she seeks out the Lord and Lady of the pixies. Will they agree to help her? Only if she agrees to help them in return. But at what cost?
  • Polar

    by Johan Edfeldt
    In Polar, an epic fantasy tale unfolds across a frozen world where Aether—the Liquid Flame—sustains life, and only the mythical Forever Bracelets and true love can keep you warm. When two yeti-hunting dwarves, Bragen and Grogg, embark on a quest to slay the Frost Dragon Claymore, they set off a chain of events that brings together an unlikely group of heroes. Among them are a princess seeking adventure beyond her city's walls, a farmer's boy on a mission for vengeance, and a mysterious bare m... more
  • Sinner

    by Rina Brown
    As a half demon, Demo's life is complicated. At Hera's insistence, he goes to angel school to become the leader of a demon reform project. Bullied and abused, no one could possibly hate him more than he does himself, until fate steps in. Despite the goddesses protests, Demo is chosen to be part of the next generation of heaven's guardians. Joined by a bubbly goddess, a shy Atlantean, and a monk with anger issues, they must come together to fight against a vengeful demigod in love with Star Trek... more
  • Year of the Fledgling

    by Linda Kage
    Theron, the Eradicator, has one job: to protect the people of Starcast by killing the deadly creatures that attack them. That’s it. Being an Eradicator comes with a heavy price, however, for he’s strictly prohibited from having any kind of personal contact with the villagers. But one night, he sneaks into the town’s harvest festival, anyway, and meets Xia, the lovely, young healer’s apprentice. As Theron and Xia grow close, it becomes harder to tell what’s more dangerous: risking a fata... more
