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  • Magician And Fool

    by Susan Wands
    Pamela Colman Smith, newly arrived from New York to her birthplace of London, is received as an oddball in Victorian society. Her second sight helps her in her new job: illustrating tarot cards for the Golden Dawn, a newly formed occult group. But when Pamela refuses to share her creations with Aleister Crowley, a controversial magician, he issues a threat: give up the cards’ power, or he’ll harm her muses. In the midst of this battle, two of Pamela’s idols, the actors Henry Irving and William ... more
  • Curious Tales Of A Warped Reality

    by Jason Barat
    10 short stories. A virus forcing humanity to live inside 363 days a year or a space journey to find new hope for our dying planet. Stories like these and many more!
  • Coralee - A Mermaid's Tale: A Billie Baxter Adventure

    by Tanis Galik

    “Help Me!” So begins Coralee’s adventure, as this high-maintenance mermaid princess tries to escape her Coney Island prison. Fortunately, Billie, a plucky 1906 New York City orphan, has just the right skills to get them to Thalazonia.

    During their journey, they receive assistance from:

    an irritated Mama Stingray on her way to a family reunion with her whinny daughter;

    Prudencia, an ancient sea turtle; Feliz, an overly enthusiastic pink dolphin; and Little P... more

  • The Witch and Other Tales of the American Gothic

    by Jessica Hobbs
    An accused witch is banished from her home in Portland, Maine. A young socialite in New Orleans dabbles in magic to get rid of a rival. An acrobat in a traveling circus learns her greatest enemy lives in the mirror. An Irish immigrant may have brought malevolent faeries with her to the New World. A lumberjack in the Pacific Northwest suspects a monster lurks behind the enormous trees. A Colorado gold miner finds himself trapped in the bowels of the earth, no matter how many times he tries to dig... more
  • Fear the Wolf

    by Stefanie Gilmour

    From the moment she transformed into a werewolf,Alex was terrified.  First, of the man who attacked her—then of herself. If her inner wolf breaks free again, people could die, and she’ll be the one hunted.

    Alex struggles to keep her savage passenger caged, but life doesn’t make it easy. The Committee ruling the supernatural community would punish her for the slightest misstep. A group of zealots are targeting supernatural beings of all kind... more

  • Steal the Morrow: A Retelling of Oliver Twist

    by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt
    The city may be dangerous, but it holds his only hope… Abandoned on a remote highway after bandits murder his parents, young Olifur finds safety with Fritjof. The gruff woodsman teaches him and other orphans to live off the land. When Fritjof falls ill, Olifur will risk everything to save his mentor—even travel to far-off Melar seeking a doctor. However, the city of Melar is more perilous than Olifur imagined, and doctors aren't cheap. His quest leads him first to a hazardous job working o... more
  • The Thief and the Historian: Book One of the Runetree Chronicles

    by Brendan Corbett

    Aeda, a gifted Thief, is confined to the coastal city of Biersport, where she is a member of the elusive Grey Society. Bound by their commands, Aeda is reluctant to continue her life of crime but knows no other way to survive.

    Her life takes an unexpected turn when she is tasked with stealing from the Historian Gieral, a member of the legendary order responsible for chronicling all of History. She is suddenly torn from the only life she has ever known and thrust into a new worl
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  • The Blood of the Dragon

    by Sotonye Tomwest
    The story is about a boy named David, in a world where there exists people, part dragon part man, know as dragon warriors. David is an air dragon warrior, at least that's what he believes he is, you see he lost his memories and with it every single trace of who he is and where he came from. The only thing he had left of his past which he could recall was his and the horrific nightmares that plagued his dreams. All David wants is to know who is but he me not be able to face the truth of his true ... more
  • FounderLand

    by Michael A. Richards

    "For a Commoner, Charles Lowell lived the comfortable life of a Onelevel Academic and Piecematch Hero, indifferent to the oppressions that plagued his brethren until TheFounder, the absolute ruler of FounderLand, decreed him a subversive."

    In the nearest future, the president declares himself TheFounder and christens the nation FounderLand. Democracy is abolished, and the Constitution is abandoned in favor of the Diktats. Companions replace citizens in castes of ... more

  • The Last Football Player

    by John Blossom
    A realistic near-future, young adult, science fiction, sports drama featuring an upcoming 9th grade wide receiver who is denied the opportunity to be a star because his influential Silicon Valley father leads a successful movement to ban football. Deeply disappointed and now highly unpopular among his fellow football players at school, protagonist Dude McPherson sets out on a desperate quest to make football safe enough to play again. Relegated to an after-school program in his school’s state-of... more
  • Every Dark Shadow

    by Sarah Zimm
    Ophelia Dannan has been hidden in the mortal world from a mad king whose armies hunt a source of pure magic that disappeared with her four years ago. But when shadows reach across worlds, she and her three protectors are thrust on a quest to find the spellcaster who took her memories and magic in hopes of ending the monarchy before it breaks the kingdom.
  • The Blue Spark

    by John Hopkins

    Book Three in The Powers That Be trilogy, THE BLUE SPARK, paints a thought-provoking, action-packed vision of a dystopian future world with humankind on a razor’s edge between science and morality, loyalty and betrayal, hope and despair, courage and fear, evolution and extinction.

    * * *

    A supernatural visitor entrusts an enigmatic cubed artifact with maverick archeologist Professor Ian Dury. Five years later, legendary robotics pion... more

  • Quest for Sylvane

    by Cle Curbo
    How to prevent alien rule on Earth? Sylvane enlists Bert, an innocent and naive Earthman. Speeding to warn Watchers Council of Earth's imminent takeover, Sylvane is abducted by Farian, who insists she is the long absent third goddess of the planet Esthar. Intercepted on her way to Esthar, Sylvane is captured by the ultra-secretive Rieceh-Ta who send her to beta-Goltim to draw in the outlawed Farian. Sylvane escapes the Rieceh-Ta on beta-Goltim, only to fall into a trap set by Farian, who sends h... more
  • Blue Spell (The Chronicles of Cirrus Book 2)

    by John Harvey
    There’s no such thing as magic. But that doesn’t mean we can’t use it. Jack Scatter knows that the mysterious force he wields has a technological source, and so does the man who’s trying to kill him. But he’ll need to tame dragons—both real and psychological—to harness that power to save himself and two worlds. Jack should be in high school, enjoying his junior year. Instead, an apocalyptic event interrupts his summer vacation and leaves Cirrus—the world-sized space station he lives on—wit... more
  • The Children of Chorazin and Other Strange Denizens

    by Darrell Schweitzer
    For decades, Darrell Schweitzer has been prominent in studying and elaborating upon the work of H. P. Lovecraft. As critic, poet, and fiction writer he has analyzed and expanded upon Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos without compromising his own distinctive voice. In this new collection of tales, Schweitzer draws upon the fictional realm that he has made his own—Chorazin, a village in rural Pennsylvania where all manner of strange events occur. The strangeness lies not only in the incursion of extra... more
  • The Arcadian Match

    by Anne Mortensen
    In the year 2032, Sweden is the first crime free, eco-ideal nation. In this brave new world of social clubs and point scoring, many attribute the nation's remarkable achievements to the introduction of the Q-scores. Meet social media genius and unlikely hero, Christian Karlsson. He plays the Q-scores with the skill of a seasoned stockbroker, and he never fails to deliver. But when his friend falls to his death, Christian’s life is turned upside down. His hunt for justice leads him into the mur... more
