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  • SCARS: Heroes come in all sizes.

    by J. Ishiro Finney
    James was a high-rider, a thrill-seeker, an EVA cowboy. He was one of a small brotherhood of men who made a living out of lassoing dead satellites and towing them out of Earth’s orbit. Then came the accident, the one which cost James everything. Now landlocked and grounded with no chance of returning to space, James lives a life of quiet desperation. By day, he struggles with having become an amputee. By night, he is haunted by nightmares of the moment that took his leg, his friends, and his ent... more
  • Dawning of Darkness: The Fall of Gods and Kings

    by James G. Robertson

    Systems fall, planets die—darkness dawns on us all. When a god known simply as the Dark Creator enters our universe, the concord of the world inhabited by the spirits of men and their kings, the gods' chosen few, fades. As this being and his overwhelming force of corrupted horrors and children eclipse Afterworld and its territories, the kingdoms of men must put aside their differences and band together.
    After millennia of fighting, the final blockade separating man from those s... more

  • Burrows of Blood and Shadow

    by Rebekah L Webb
    The dreamers dream all the time, free to go anywhere, to be anything, to see worlds outside themselves, inside themselves and beyond themselves. The Dream Surfer has no past or memory and can only experience life through the dreams and memories of others. He is stuck in a world of doors and windows leading to quiet lives, where pain and tragedy flow like the inevitable path of gentle streams. There is one spot he refuses to go, a dank corner where burrows dive down to dark and brutal depths. ... more
  • Discord and Harmony

    by Matthew Johnson
    What would you give up for love? How much would you sacrifice to protect all that you know? These five stories, set in the world of the Nightingale Saga, explore how far one is willing to go to protect and preserve a world out of Harmony. Here balance is lost as the Dark One seeks to return, threatening to enslave all but those that would give the ultimate sacrifice. Not all journeys end in happily-ever-after as Discord and Harmony clash over the lives of those that would determine the balance. ... more
  • East Sol: The Sector with the Brightest Sun

    by Raine Leggett
    A royal noble meets the crown princess while playing in a field of flowers. After fate threatens to pull them apart, she vows to be her strongest ally. To do this she aims to be a magic knight. As she advances in the ranks she finds herself closer to her goal more than ever. As they find themselves together, they grow a beautiful romance.
  • Daughters of Tith

    by J. Patricia Anderson

    The kandar are the children of the trees. Powerful. Immutable. Nine hundred eternal beings who need no sleep nor sustenance, created at the beginning of time to guard the nine human Earths.

    That was never meant to change.

    The youngest of five sisters, Tchardin is about to be acknowledged as queen of the kandar. She must lead them in their Creator-given Purpose–to guide and inspire the humans–but her people have been exiled to their hom... more

  • Lady in the rain

    by A.P. Immanuel
    20-year-old Sarah has died at the hands of her lover, but her death is not her end. Full' of rage, Sarah's spirit returns as a succubus, bent on revenge, and no unfaithful man is safe in her path. However, when her "white energy" catches the attention of two more sinister succubae (Livia and Alexis), the hunt is on to destroy her. Will they take the white energy to become invincible in the universe? Will Livia and Alexis kill her? Will Sarah be able to enact her revenge?
  • Reaping Independence: A Novel

    by Jeffrey Messineo
    Los Angeles, 2029 - They told her not to do it. She did it anyway. Now Kwynn’s on the run. From The Directive, her dead father, and herself. She’d like to catch on with the film crew she’s hooked up with and hack a clandestine server here and there but Kwynn has an inkling she’s destined for something bigger. When power failures spread like wildfire across the West, she discovers it may be that dead father’s sentient servers creating the blackouts. She must break into those computers. H... more
  • Laela and the Moonline by Lisa Perskie

    by Artisan Book Reviews & Marketing
    “Surprises unfold in the predictable. . . . You can never fully foresee the foreseen.” Long ago, the four tribes of Aerizon lived as one people, but the time of unity has passed. Now, three of the tribes collectively called the Treedles inhabit the forest canopy. The fourth tribe, the Mergons, live on the ground and pose a constant threat to the Treedles. Laela is a young Treedlegirl coming of age in the treetop realm of Aerizon. Her destiny, as yet unrevealed, will cast her in the role of ca... more
  • Hierarchy of Blood: A YA Dystopian Romance (The Five Colonies Book 1)

    by Jennifer Haskin
    “The Selection meets The Hunger Games in space.” Instead of a beauty contest to find the prince’s bride, sixty girls are forced to battle for him—to the death. But Marishel is just a seamstress who sucks at fighting. She has only one month of training to find a way to survive … and falling for the leader’s handsome son now would complicate everything.
  • Forever Child

    by Mark Lavine
    Three-hundred years into the future, and the world has changed. Among a chosen few, life expectancy is now hundreds of years; these are the forever children, and science has found a way to keep them in a nearly endless childhood. Secure in their giant hives, they have left the outsiders, who must live natural lives, to fend for themselves, although the forever children are dependent upon stealing the outsider children for their population growth. And that’s not all they do… This is the story of... more
  • Harbinger in the Night (The Humanity Blueprint Book 1)

    by John Warner
    In the near future a new space race is in full swing to be the first to colonize Mars. The United States and allied European governments working alongside private industry are competing against the RSAC, a new Russian-Chinese alliance, to build working spacecraft to make the long journey. In preparations for the mission, an engineering team from an aerospace/tech conglomerate is building out the interplanetary communications network, when a mysterious object emerges from the depths of interst... more
  • Ascendant

    by Izaic Yorks

    Revolution cometh.

    The sounds of Valor shall resound and pierce even the deepest reaches of the undercity, and not a soul will remain untarnished. . .

    * * *

    Hasbal, The City of Lights is no longer the capital of industry, but instead, a place frozen in time as its denizens reach ever towards the promised utopia.


    Ghost-Who-Walks is on the run from his past and he is dreadfully tired. Centuries have come and gone, and yet he still can ... more

  • Minimum Safe Distance

    by X. Ho Yen
    Two transbiological aliens are in a fight over what to do about a dire cosmic threat. They stealthily involve humanity, but things don’t go as planned. An AI expert channeled her autism for science. A violent zealot is her nemesis. Laurence and Matt must reach minimum safe distance from human nature itself to decide the fate of the world.
  • Exit Ghost

    by Jennifer R. Donohue
    After her father is murdered and an attempt is made on her life, New Jersey heiress and witch Juliet Duncan is supposed to be concentrating on getting better and moving forward. Instead, Jules summons her father's ghost using her blood and tears and his old rotary phone to answer the question: who did it? He reveals it was Hector, her dad's best friend and her mom's new fiancé. Certain her life is still in danger, Jules flees the family estate to the Asbury Park apartment she shares with her ... more
  • Ithandryll

    by Nikki Auberkett
    A young woman running from her past plunges headlong into the mysterious realm of the fae—where new alliances and vicious enemies force her to confront the demons haunting her memories.
