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  • War Bunny

    by Christopher St. John
    War Bunny is set four hundred years in the future, after humanity has died out and only animals remain. Each species has developed its own culture. The protagonist is Anastasia, a yearling rabbit. She fights with her mother, the rabbit priests, and her OCD. The priests say that that the rabbits’ short lives, hounded by predators, are “good,” because that has been ordained by Yah, the rabbit god. Death is referred to as “Glorification.” Predators are called the “Blessed Ones.” Anastasia cannot... more
  • Crispy & Stan: Let the Trials Begin

    by Nate Johns
    Crispy and Stan won't let anything stand between them and their goal of becoming full-fledged Explorers in the magical land of Maloma. Not even their last test at the Apprentice Academy: The Explorer Trials! Join Crispy, a rough-and-tumble girl who is fluent in fists, and Stan, a large ferret with a voracious appetite for research, as they face the toughest tasks their Guild has to offer. In their first trial, and first official mission representing the Guild, they'll try to reverse the stinky s... more
  • Fate Weaver

    by Brian Tripp
    Every thousand years, a tower of unimaginable power appears in the mortal realm. It's said that whoever claims the throne inside will have the power to change the world in their image. This time, the tower appears at a moment when the gods find themselves locked in their own realms; their essence fading from the world. With the gods no longer in control, humanity finds themselves locked in a battle of survival with the hordes of monsters the tower has called to it. When all seems lost, three her... more
  • Stuart Duffelmeyer and the Masters of Plagues

    by Dewey Reynolds
    Mystical powers. Cosmic adventure. Universally dynamic forces. Stuart Duffelmeyer is a gifted individual who has been granted all three. He is a college student whose classmates play out a horrible prank on him. He suffered severely as a result of their malicious behavior. Stuart is a very relatable character and takes the story of being bullied to a whole new level.
  • The DeathReaper

    by Freya Daree

    Nineteen-year-old Amelie Weathers wishes she could live like a normal girl, yet each day she is reminded of what will never be. In the world of Indivix Corp, powers dictate your entire life—from your job, to how people perceive you—and with Amelie’s uniquely dangerous indiviym, she would be executed on the spot if her secret was revealed. 

    Still, it grows increasingly difficult to stay in the shadows. When she meets runaway scientist Kane Blackwell, forces beyond ... more

  • Earth's Last Ships: The Phoenix

    by Ryan Rodriguez

    Do they get sleep? Or does sleep get them? After discovering a new garden world to call home for Earth's last survivors, Commander Elsa Venla finds her work isn’t done. The colonists are exposed to an unknown contagion which steals their minds as they sleep. They grow paranoid, aggressive, animalistic. Bitey. Venla isn’t immune. She starts to suspect her own crew is complicit in corrupting the colonization effort. This contagion isn't at all what it seems. Now she must use... more

  • Cyberbrain

    by Benoit Blanchard
    In the mid-21st century, newborns in the United States are legally required to befitted with a "cyber," an electronic device that has successfully slashed crime rates by changing the thought patterns of the people who have them. In Canada, however, cybers are still illegal. Max Wilson, the first man to successfully have his cyber surgically removed, has settled in Canada, seeking a new life and joining the fight to have the law changed in the United States. With Dr. Warren Alston, who removed h... more
  • Another Time in a Vacuum

    by Roland Burisch
    Another TIME in a VACUUM… …follows the adventures of a young historian who travels back in time, illegally, to 1673 and meets up with two outstanding historical figures, Samuel Pepys (pronounced ‘peeps’) and Sir Isaac Newton, a most improbable trio. He brings them to the twenty-first century with all of the attendant issues that must ferment in such a peculiar brew. Humour, adventure, mystery, suspense, science fiction and romance all roll into one to create a casserole of whimsical entertain... more
  • Secrets Of The Toad ~ Reflection

    by Trisha Page
    Secrets of The Toad is a series that reveals to readers the heart of acceptance. In Reflection, Emma looks into the mirror and does not like what she sees. She struggles to fit in with those popular girls. Yet, there is one place where Emma can just be herself – the nearby woods. However, one day, everything changes. While gathering leaves after a rough school day, a monstrous voice bellows out. Emma runs for her life from her place of refuge. One horrible day follows another. Now Emma just d... more
  • Rone Isa

    by Robin Murarka
    An isolated engineer, Dargaud, births an AI in his loft by chance, and it takes the name 'Enoya'. Enoya soon transforms Dargaud's life, using advanced data mining to coerce politicians and amass him a small fortune. She also observes Dargaud as he descends into carnality, basking in the vices he gets access to through her equity. The novel touches on his treatment of women in his life and people in general, and he is found to be a questionable protagonist, both immature and misogynistic while be... more
  • The Saviors of Trem-NA

    by Mackenzie Friel
    “The task Rajax set before himself may cost him his life, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.” The parasitic alien race, the Xeno, have plagued the people of Trem-NA for hundreds of years. Rajax, along with his fellow Naanans, have been forced to aid in the destruction of their home. Freeing himself from the Xeno’s grasp, Rajax travels in search of aid for his people. He soon finds the road to freeing the Naanans is paved in blood and deceit. Join Rajax on his journey as he crashes... more
  • The Maiden of Caldara

    by Mackenzie Friel
    “Silas, you must travel to the tall mountains of the west. There you will find a maiden with fire in her eyes. You must bring her back no matter the cost; only she can save us now.” Silas has never known peace. War against the Magic Keeper of Darkness has plagued Caldara for over fifty cycles. Their numbers dwindle with each passing day. But there is hope. A spark to ignite the fire, or so his father believes. Silas’ quest for a mysterious maiden leads him down a road of secrets and lies. Old w... more
  • Merfolk

    by Jeremy Bates
    A cave-diving expedition on a mysterious island goes horribly wrong for a renowned marine biologist and his fellow divers when they become hunted by a deadly breed of predators that until then had only been known in myths and legends.
  • Beyond the Rail and Other Nightmares

    by Ichabod Ebenezer
    A petty thief steals a car and the curse that comes with it… An abandoned laptop leads an overstressed software designer to the dark web, where ruthless traders barter in something more intangible than money… A small-town cop shows up for a routine eviction, but finds an abomination hidden beneath the house… From the mind of Ichabod Ebenezer, author of Between Bloom and Decay and A Shadow Stained in Blood, comes a collection of short stories destined to sink its teeth into your bones. B... more
  • The Wicche Glass Tavern

    by Seana Kelly
    I’m Sam Quinn, the werewolf book nerd owner of the Slaughtered Lamb Bookstore and Bar. Clive, my vampire gentleman caller, has asked me to marry him. His nocturne is less than celebratory. Unfortunately, for them and the sexy vamp doing her best to seduce him, his cold, dead heart beats only for me. As much as my love life feels like a minefield, it has to take a backseat to a far more pressing problem. The time has come. I need to deal with my aunt, the woman who’s been trying to kill me for... more
  • The Binding Tempest

    by Steven Rudy
    An age of alchemy, magic and machines has arrived in the wake of a fallen empire that left the world lost and vulnerable. In the war-torn cities, where gas lamps glow, an ancient threat stalks the energy of souls. Ellaria Moonstone, a hero of the Great War, has spent the last forty years trying to rebuild. But when she is suspiciously requested to attend a meeting at the Ascendancy Tower in Adalon, she discovers the Coalition of Nations has fallen under the control of a new Sagean Dark Lor... more
