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  • A Blaze of Dragons and Other Fairytale Families

    by Jennifer Preston Chushcoff
    The group names for fairytale families set in their favorite habitats, including a "Splash" of mermaids in an aquarium, a "Sparkle" of unicorns at the beach and a "Sighting" of Sasquatch at the playground. Fun activities included at the back of the book.
  • Light Bender

    by C. R. (Chuck) Downing
    Clarissa Newland helps her friend, Belton Flournoy, invent a chemical that will bend light rays around his body, rendering him invisible. While working on refining the chemical, they discover the chemical's side effects. Aliens running the Traveler's HOT L, a time travel establishment, offer the developers a chance to go back to before the chemical was invented and never invent it. Although appearing agreeable to that plan, Belton embarks on his own undertaking. The story of Belton's travels bac... more
  • Pleasant Grove

    by Jason Price

    What’s outside Pleasant Grove? Welcome to Pleasant Grove, a quiet small town where neighbor helps neighbor and doors are left unlocked at night—an unspoiled paradise with one peculiar feature: It’s enclosed by a glass dome. No one can leave. No one can enter. No one can survive beyond the dome. But then, a visitor arrives from the outside. When 12-year-old Agnes Goodwin discovers a strange boy with no memory, she teams up with her best friends to unravel the mystery... more

  • The King's Daughter

    by Dai Pryce
    Wales 1294 . . . a hated English king, a country in violent rebellion against him, and a sixteen-year-old from Virginia Beach badly out of her depth. Following the death of her Navy SEAL father in Afghanistan, Megan Lynch is packed off to a new school in a new country. “Go stay with your grandmother in Wales, it’ll keep you out of trouble,” her mother had declared. In her mom’s defense, she could never have predicted the remarkable events that unfolded in the ruins of Flint Castle that aft... more
  • Elevator Quest

    by Emmanuel M Arriaga
    When the elevator cable snaps, they all think they are going to die. Instead, Tasha and her office colleagues find themselves trapped in a fantasy world, the crash only the beginning of their problems as they fight for survival. But the mystery of what happened gnaws at them as they venture deeper into an adventure filled with monsters, mystical weapons, and deadly challenges… A female-led, action-packed fantasy in a Dungeons & Dragons inspired world.
  • Foundra

    by Emmanuel M. Arriaga

    The Huzien Empire has existed for 80 millennia and a powerful invisible force known as the enesmic permeates every aspect of the Twin Galaxy.

    Neven is an engineer working for the pinnacle of scientific achievement known as the MinSci on the Huzien homeworld of Thae. His genius draws the attention of one of the immortal Founders and he finds himself drafted into the military as part of an elite group of special forces known as the Founder’s Elites. Not given much time to adjust, his team... more

  • Twilight's Fall

    by J. Steven Lamperti
    On his way back to his capital to face down a rebellion, the young king Twilight is ambushed in the forest. Who wants to kill him, and why? His companions, Aela, Blaine, and Corentin, all rise to the occasion in ways the king never expects. Is there more to them than he sees on the surface? The journey back to the King’s Seat is fraught with danger, ghostly trials, and survival, but once there, they still must struggle to face down the rebellion. In the final battle for his kingdom, Tw... more
  • Tam Lin: A Modern, Queer Retelling

    by T.J. Deschamps

    Never break a promise to the fae...

    After a fight with his fiance, Tom Lane needs a change of pace--more accurately, an escape so he can lick his wounds. He travels to Ireland in search of his Ulster-Scots roots.Though he was adopted as a child, Tom is adrift in adulthood and hopes the history of his biological family will help him understand himself and what he truly desires.

    While on holiday, he meets Fergus and Aoife, sexy tour guides looking to show Tom a little more than the ... more

  • Where the Children Play

    by Robert B. Warren
    Alexander “Lex” Morgan has just moved to Red Grove, Alabama. At first glance, his new home appears to be the ideal Southern town. He soon discovers it's anything but. Supernatural forces have been terrorizing the locals for decades—and now they've set their sights on him. In order to survive, Lex must gather his courage and face a horror beyond his worst nightmare.
  • Black Gate Tales

    by Paul Draper
    A collection of 14 dark fantasy short stories, flavoured with folk horror and the supernatural
  • THE STEWARD (series)

    by M. D. Ironz
    THE STEWARD is an epic contemporary tale in which folklore and fantasy enmesh with physics and forensics. The expanded box set includes Volumes 1 through 4 of the series (Domaine Delafaire, Realms of Possibility, Alas The Best Laid Plans, and Storm Haven). Ellen Doyle must accept two facts. Firstly, she is named heir to the Stewardship of the hidden Grand Portal to the Multiverse, which unfortunately doesn't come with instructions. Secondly, and perhaps more unsettling, many of the creatur... more
  • Maverick Gambit

    by Marjorie King
    An impoverished town plundered by space pirates. A captain who decides to protect the town with shields. A crew that plans to steal those shields from the Goliath of space shipping. A plan that blows up in their face.
  • The Cool Thing: A Dark Comedy. Or Not.

    by Robert Rife
    R.L. mistakenly buys a device taken from a long-ago crashed spaceship. When activated, it nullifies distance, allowing immediate access to the human staffed lab built above the wreck. A lab operated ruthlessly by Dr. Lillith Gaust, who has a terrifying history of failed species-splicing experiments. Not all her failures die; called Lab Spills, they’re abandoned in the toxic Waydowns. Occasionally one escapes, vastly invigorating the staff. Especially those who get eaten. ... more
  • Locator

    by William Girdwood
    In the far distant future, after segregating into groups decided by race, religion, color, creed, or nationality, mankind has dispersed throughout the spiral arms of the galaxy. The only remaining humans left on Earth are the aboriginal peoples of Australia, some of the American Indian tribes, the Zulus of Africa, and the Creators. The Earth, now more aptly called Oceanus, has become a virtual paradise except for one major problem. The seemingly immortal Creators are slowly dying! After discover... more
  • Bloodstained Bliss

    by Elle Limpkin
    Three centuries after the violence genes have been removed from the entire world population, a series of murders shake the blissful island of Roseside Reef and the entire planet. New dead bodies are discovered despite around-the-clock video surveillance, but is there anyone who can stop the killer? With no police, no detectives, and no forensics team, Zeno Pruitt, former military Commander and unenthusiastic Governor, jumps at the opportunity to lead the team that aims to solve the mystery. T... more
  • Eternal Lifeline

    by Jackson Utz
    Humanity has reached the end of its rope. A village nestled within a seemingly infinite forest is its very last hub. Not only that, any trace of modern technology that was once dominating the world has been washed away and completely forgotten. While the remaining humans are trying to survive and build a better life for themselves, there is an invisible problem that they are dealing with. The Crimson Lords, beings of incredible magical power, are actively hunting down the rest of humanity, tr... more
